Sooner than you thought? I would also suggest that Karzai is on shaky
ground unless he figures out a way to get out of his Parliament
crisis…..the Pashtu do not go for technology the way the Hazara and
Tajiks do……
Waves of Unrest Spread to Yemen, Shaking a Region
Thousands of protesters on Thursday took to the streets of Yemen, one of the Middle East’s most impoverished countries, and secular and Islamist Egyptian opposition leaders vowed to join large protests expected Friday as calls for change rang across the Arab world.
and also this….at least one country understands the impact of the Internet on mobilizing
the masses….
Egypt: Internet cut ahead of Friday protests

Phi Beta Iota: From 1989 with the publication of General Al Gray's “Global Intelligence Challenges for the 1990's,” and then 1992, with the publication of “E3i: Ethics, Ecology, & Evolution,” is has been known that “open everything” was the single sustainable path to a prosperous world at peace. In 1995, in 1998, and again and again over the years the case has been made for an Open Source Agency (as recommended on pages 23 and 423 of the 9-11 Commission Report) able to achieve the Open Source “Tri-Fecta” of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS), and Open Spectrum (OpenBTS ++). CORRUPTION of intellect and politics, plain and simple, has been the constant obstacle. It is not too late for the USA to “turn on a DIME” (that's a pun for War College graduates) and get cracking and implement the four core initiatives to stabilize the world:
1) Electoral Reform in the USA to settle the USA by 2012
2) Open Source Agency as planned by Rob Simmons, Robert Steele, and Joe Markowitz with help from retired OMB officials and advance approval from serving OMB officials contingent solely on ONE Cabinet secretary asking for it (State with DoD non-reimbursable funding)
3) Undersecretary of State for Democracy, Ambassador Mark Palmer being the obvious choice, with two Assistant Secretaries, one to deal with the dictators that accept the six year exit plan, one for the other others who do not (and are immediately cut off from all assistance).
4) Undersecretary of Defense for Civil Affairs and Cyber-Collaboration, able to simultaneously make real the redirection of resources toward Operations Other Than War (OOTW) and unscrew the mess being made within communications, intelligence, and information operations by four star generals and their lesser followers, all without a clue. They mean well, but they are both timid and ignorant.
See Also:
Reference: Frog 6 Guidance 2010-2020
Reference: World Brain Institute & Global Game
2009 DoD OSINT Leadership and Staff Briefings