Dear friends,
As I was preparing another bulletin for you, I stumbled on a very remarkable initiative — a global curriculum reform movement — that I want to share right away. It seems a revolution is brewing in some parts of mainstream higher education. Here is a significant piece:
A “Science Daily” article “Higher Education Curricula Not Keeping Pace With Societal, Tech Changes” describes this “global movement to abolish the archaic disciplinary isolation and static teaching practices of the 19th and 20th centuries, and replace them with pedagogy that addresses the complexity and diversity of perspective of a global community in the 21st century.”
The epicenter of this movement is Curriculum Reform. A group of academics — from college students to university presidents — have created a Manifesto (see below) that has so far been endorsed by two universities in Europe and one in the U.S (Arizona State University, Jacobs University Bremen, and Leuphana Universität Lüneburg). These universities are now testing specific curricula based on the Manifesto's principles.
I am extremely impressed with the principles these academic innovators have come up with. More information is available at their website, including some excellent comments following the Manifesto itself.
If you are concerned about education and the state of the world, take a look, and spread the word…
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