Every word said about Osama bin Laden is a categorical lie in the same vein as almost every other public statement made by President George “W” Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and a number of other officials.
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Add to this similar lies about 9/11 and WMDs in Iraq, the rigged elections, endless crimes covered up, trillions of missing dollars, and we have what we have, government by organized crime. But you may still believe that Osama bin Laden took credit for 9/11?
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Two weeks ago,CIA Director Leon Panetta told the press the CIA had not been able to positively confirm any specific information on Osama bin Laden since “late 2000.”
Interviews with high ranking military and intelligence officials, some at the highest levels, have confirmed that all evidence lends toward Osama bin Laden’s death in December 2001.
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To find bin Laden’s current grave, will require some effort. He died, as was announced in the press, December 13, 2001, near Tora Bora in Afghanistan of advanced kidney disease after a number of treatments, several at US military hospitals.
His remains were recovered, according to the CIA, by a Special Forces unit and transported to a location in the Persian Gulf. These facts have received multiple confirmations.
Phi Beta Iota: This matter remains to be properly investigated. There are at least five CIAs, we have no idea as to the actual relationship of the author with whichever version of CIA he is in touch with. While vitrolic in nature, the general sense of the above contribution from Gordon Duff merits respectful consideration.
Bin Laden died in 2001; several fakes followed. The last Bin Laden was a patsy provided by the government of Pakistan to give Leon Panetta and Barack Obama a re-election bonanza. The SEALS figured it out and were killed over time. For Hillary Clinton to claim this as some kind of “qualification” simply sickens me. We are being led by the criminally insane.
NOTE: The Bin Laden Show is a series of many links to enable the readers to cull out the ones that matter to them. We are “sharing our confusion” and relying on the collective for additional sense-making. All the individual bits are back-dated to be in sequence from 0000 1 May, this is the only post that will move forward as it is updated. To scroll them all in reverse order, use this search <Bin Laden Show>
Phi Beta Iota: This is not correct. Bin Laden was used by politicians and the military-industrial complex to justify trillions in war-related expenses, generally co-equal to the trillion a year the US Government has been borrowing “in our name.” Immature intelligence and a lack of integrity in Whole of Government programs cost us trillions. As we document in both a chapter and a book, terrorism is a traffic accident. It is bad government that ends up costing us trillions.
There were no armed guards around the compound, said a U.S. official who asked not to be identified because the official was not authorized to speak on the record.
Image of bloodied man picked up by British newspapers has been circulating online for two years
Essence: Pictures of Bin Laden’s bloodied and shattered face were broadcast on Pakistani television, and soon found to be fake. Within hours of the pictures circulating, the US announced it hadburied the body at seain accordance with Muslim rules [actually not]. [Another report says US State Department claims to have the body.] US claims to have known of this location since August 2010. Others have documented Bin Laden's death years ago. Seal Team Six deep inland? Launched from where?
Phi Beta Iota: Who are we kidding? The gullibility and ignorance of the US public is quite troubling. Resurrect the dead, fake the death, exit Afghanistan as demanded by Pakistan. The truth will emerge eventually, meanwhile, Obama buys time for the “system” to win four more years from a population that has lost its ability to think. As a general observation, the 2001 reports of Bin Laden's death could possibly have been a Pakistani disinformation campaign, but the combination of lung and urinary tract and other infections Bin Laden was known to have could have spawned multiple variations of his death (or not), his death and a pretense he was still alive, etcetera. From where we sit until proven otherwise, this is a massive deception of the US public–Dick Cheney would be proud–and if Bin Laden was actually delivered (we tend to doubt it)–it was a Pakistani gift not the result of US intelligence. The Pakistani Air Force is neither stupid nor ill-equipped–US helicopters–including “stealth” helicopters–coming all the way in to Islamabad's suburbs from Afghanistan had to have clearance. There are just too many dangling doubts on this, including double-tap to the face instead of the body. High probability: not Bin Laden at all, or a decomposed corpse to begin with.
Interview with James Corbett. Comparison of Bin Laden with Lee Harvey Oswald–and stark absence of evidence–while validating extra-judicial assassinations (including Libyan leadership). Buries “War on Terror” as US covert operations false flag threat.
Phi Beta Iota: Many links. Not an intelligent skeptical question in the lot. This is a classic deception that seeks to bury the truth about 9/11 while enabling an exit from Afghanistan as demanded by Pakistan.
Phi Beta Iota: This is absurd. How can anyone with a brain buy into this fiction? This was staged in a Pakistani military resort town because it could not be done in Waziristan. It is highly unlikely that Bin Laden was actually here, 1.3 kilometers from the national military academy, the town would have known. At this time, all “evidence” points to a US deception operation fabricated in full partnership with the Pakistani's who donated a general officer's retreat and–if Bin Laden was there–put him in for the one night show in return for a US commitment to claim victory and leave Afghanistan. 9-11 truths remain to be brought forth.
On January 18, Boing Boing will join Reddit and other sites around the Internet in “going dark” to oppose SOPA and PIPA, the pending US legislation that creates a punishing Internet censorship regime and exports it to the rest of the world. Boing Boing could never co-exist with a SOPA world: we could not ever link to another website unless we were sure that no links to anything that infringes copyright appeared on that site.
So in order to link to a URL on LiveJournal or WordPress or Twitter or Blogspot, we'd have to first confirm that no one had ever made an infringing link, anywhere on that site. Making one link would require checking millions (even tens of millions) of pages, just to be sure that we weren't in some way impinging on the ability of five Hollywood studios, four multinational record labels, and six global publishers to maximize their profits.
If we failed to take this precaution, our finances could be frozen, our ad broker forced to pull ads from our site, and depending on which version of the bill goes to the vote, our domains confiscated, and, because our server is in Canada, our IP address would be added to a US-wide blacklist that every ISP in the country would be required to censor.
This is the part of the post where I'm supposed to say something reasonable like, “Everyone agrees that piracy is wrong, but this is the wrong way to fight it.”
But you know what? Screw that.
Even though a substantial portion of my living comes from the entertainment industry, I don't think that any amount of “piracy” justifies this kind of depraved indifference to the consequences of one's actions. Big Content haven't just declared war on Boing Boing and Reddit and the rest of the “fun” Internet: they've declared war on every person who uses the net to publicize police brutality, every oppressed person in the Arab Spring who used the net to organize protests and publicize the blood spilled by their oppressors, every abused kid who used the net to reveal her father as a brutalizer of children, every gay kid who used the net to discover that life is worth living despite the torment she's experiencing, every grassroots political campaigner who uses the net to make her community a better place — as well as the scientists who collaborate online, the rescue workers who coordinate online, the makers who trade tips online, the people with rare diseases who support each other online, and the independent creators who use the Internet to earn their livings.
The contempt for human rights on display with SOPA and PIPA is more than foolish. Foolishness can be excused. It's more than greed. Greed is only to be expected. It is evil, and it must be fought.
SOPA Strike is compiling a list of sites that are also going dark for Jan 18. If you want an Internet where human rights, free speech and the rule of law are not subordinated to the entertainment industry's profits, I hope you'll join us on it.
People's Blog for the Constitution, 11 January 2012
For those who would like to see torturers brought to justice, a recent report issued by Human Rights USA and the American University Washington College of Law International Human Rights Law Clinic, INDEFENSIBLE: A Reference for Prosecuting Torture and Other Felonies Committed By U.S. Officials Following September 11th, is a step in the right direction. The report details the way in which the Bush administration issued policies which authorized abuse and created a legal rationale in support of illegal interrogation techniques, and calls for the investigation and prosecution of senior officials responsible for torture.
“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today: my own Government…I cannot be silent.” – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
By Don DeBar
While the insiders in Washington parse the meaning of the paraphrased words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. regarding his own epitaph, his true legacy – the one that many believe led to his murder – has been whitewashed from the King Memorial entirely.
Four articles on the Marine urination issue follow. Would not be surprised if they and others like them trigger a round of navel contemplation within the DoD military Services that will result in command micromanagement (exacerbating coming end strength challenges), undermine concepts such as the Marine Corps' “Strategic Corporal,” and generate untold “programs” on professional military values under PAO-generated slick and trendy names. An excerpt from a fifth article, this one about Haditha, seems applicable here because I think the quoted Coast Guard officer has it right:
“… Relying on junior military personnel to make high-stakes decisions in remote foreign clashes can have grave consequences for U.S. foreign policy, said Capt. Glenn Sulmasy, a judge advocate and national security law professor at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New Haven, Conn. He pointed to the international outrage stirred by the images of U.S. soldiers abusing prisoners at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison. …”
In context, to “make high stakes decisions” can be roughly equated to “do the right think when no one is watching.” Within the Army, I think the response will be framed through ever-exacting adherence to the minutiae of peacetime garrison soldiering.
Phi Beta Iota: Culture matters–culture and commander's intent are all a Marine has when they are cut off from micro-management by pasty-faced staff pukes far in the rear. The strongest cultures are deeply rooted in historical consistency and have integrity as their centerpiece. The desecration of corpses on the battlefield is a direct consequence of the descecration of democracy by the two-party tyranny and the various complexes that a corrupt Congress has created in order to stay in power at public expense and without regard to the public interest.