The American point of view?
Intelligence experts discuss strategies for dealing with terrorism. Former Saudi Intelligence chief Prince Turki Al Faisal, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State James Dobbins and others talk with Reuters columnist David Rohde in a panel called “Countering Terrorist Threats, Real and Imagined” at Rand Corporation's “Politics Aside” conference in Santa Monica, Calif. (November 21, 2012)
Phi Beta Iota: It was not a terrorist attack. It was a commissioned, well-planned and probably state-sponsored attack against a CIA “covert” base, not a diplomatic facility, that was engaged in acts of war against the legitimate Syrian government. The Ambassador was collateral damage. Benghazi is a micro-cosm of everything that is wrong with the US Government in the foreign afffairs arena (starting with delusional amateurs incapable of comprehending that we are our own worst enemy). The Syrian government's roles is being concealed from the public, and NSA is as usual behind if not completely incompetent on the relevant intercepts.
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