People who knew them are saying that they didn't fit the profile, that they loved America, were happy to be here, and were fun-loving guys who were involved in sports and other things. Of course people are complex and people change, but it also makes it look like they could possibly be patsies. The government appears to have no clue and/or to be desperately scrambling for a Plan C.
Marathon bomber manhunt blog: Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev's parents say brothers were set up
The father of the two brothers suspected of bombing the Boston Marathon says his sons were framed.
“They were set up, they were set up!” Anzor Tsarnaev said in an interview with The Associated Press. “I saw it on television; they killed my older son Tamerlan.”
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
He basically said that they were not born in Chechya and that he doesn't believe they have nationalist or religious motives. He said he could have never imagined they would do this kind of thing. He said he hasn't seen the boys since 2003, and that he doesn't keep in contact with their father (his brother), although I think he said he talked to him about six months ago. And he said that his brother would not have influenced them to do this kind of thing. He said the only reason he could think of that they might do it was that they were losers, in other words, that they were jealous and bitter because they were having a hard time getting established in life. But he said that was just a guess. He has no idea why they might have done something like this. Reporters are already taking that out of context. I wouldn't be surprised if he suspects they might not have done it. Of course he could have hardly have said that because it wouldn't look good from a PR standpoint. He's worried about his own family, of course. But he says he loves America and the opportunities it provides for people. He thinks it's the best country in the world. And he advised the boy who's still on the run to turn himself in. I admire him for his courage. He says he is a Chechnyan and a Muslims. And although he didn't say it, I'm sure no one knows more than him how he might end up getting targeted because of that.
Bombing suspect killed, brother at large; closings, evacuations in region
One of two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing is dead and a massive manhunt was underway today for the other, a 19-year-old native of Russia who graduated from high school in Cambridge, authorities said.
The two men are brothers from Chechnya, and lived in the U.S. for several years. The suspect who was killed was identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and the suspect still at large as of Friday morning as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev graduated from Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School in 2011 and was named to the Greater Boston League All-Star wrestling team. The city of Cambridge listed Tsarnaev as among a few dozen high school seniors in 2011 awarded a $2,500 scholarship, according to the city’s web site.

Police said the two men are suspected of killing a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer on the Cambridge campus late Thursday, and critically injuring a Transit Police officer in Watertown. The pair stole a Mercedes SUV at gunpoint and after about 30 minutes released the driver unharmed on Memorial Drive. The driver reportedly told police that the two men identified themselves as the marathon bombing suspects.
A few hours before the violence erupted in Cambridge and Watertown, police released photos of the bombing suspects and asked for the public’s help finding them. Suspect 1, who was wearing a dark hat and sunglasses in the photos, was pronounced dead at about 1:35 a.m. today at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He had been shot and sustained injuries from explosives, authorities said. The other man, in the white hat, was labeled Suspect 2 and was still on the run as of this morning.
Authorities say the pair threw explosives from the car as police followed it into Watertown and exchanged gunfire with officers.
“We believe this to be a terrorist,” Boston police Commissioner Ed Davis said of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. “We believe this to be a man who came here to kill people.”
The FBI said it is working with local authorities to determine what happened.
The MIT shooting on the Cambridge campus at about 10:30 p.m. Thursday was followed by reports of gunfire and explosions in Watertown.
The MIT officer had been responding to a report of a disturbance when he was shot multiple times, according to a statement from the Middlesex district attorney’s office and Cambridge police. It said there were no other victims.
In Watertown, witnesses reported hearing multiple gunshots and explosions at about 1 a.m. today. Dozens of police officers and FBI agents went door to door this morning in a 20-block section of East Watertown and a helicopter circled overhead.
Phi Beta Iota: This is not in the slightest bit compelling, nor is the evidence there to suggest that this is anything more than a new cover story. It could be true — of course it could be true – but it is all too easy to run this as theater, there is every reason to suspect the death of the first “patsy” and soon enough, the death of the second “patsy.” What the government will fail to present is the complete forensic analysis of the alleged bombers sufficient to persuade the now skeptical public. There is also every possibility that this is two run of the mill losers who stole the car while using the Boston bombing as a means of further intimidating the driver. Bottom line: the FBI in particular, the US Government generally, have failed to satisfy public doubt about the legitimacy of every aspect of the bombing, its investigation, and the very probable cover-up that will be stretched out to November 2014.
See Also:
Mini-Me: UPDATE Two Suspects Identified — Not the Original Craft PMC Boys