The chart below shows that Oslo Peace Process was simply a cover and deception operation to ensure Israel's successful colonization of West Bank
The graph on the left shows how the settler buildup was not even slowed down by the so-called Peace Process. Note also how the rate of settlement in the West Bank accelerated after the accession of Barack Obama to the Presidency. The map on the right lays out locations of settlements (red areas). Areas A (brown) and B (tan) are the areas under varying degrees of Palestinian control as of 2012. Not shown are the Israeli only access roads connecting the settlements and the Israeli roadblocks that effectively restrict Palestinian travel among their areas, stifling the flow of Palestinian commerce. Also not shown is the fact that Israelis control all but one or two of the major springs in the West Bank and all of the pumping stations that extract water from the crucial aquifers lying under the West Bank. (One third of Israel's water budget comes from the aquifers under the West Bank)
So, why did President Bill Clinton go along with the scam during the Oslo process in the crucial 1990s, and why has Barack Obama allowed the rate of settlement to accelerate on his watch?
Well, as the American humorist Russell Baker said, “Politics is about money; where it comes from; where it goes?” Attached is but one small window into the convoluted pathways implicit in Baker's world view:
Bill Clinton takes a cool half-million from Jewish National Fund for speech in Israel