O presidente boliviano Evo Morales em entrevista coletiva no aeroporto de Viena, na Áustria
Bolivian President Evo Morales at a press conference at the airport in Vienna, Austria
25 truths about the case Evo Morales / Edward Snowden: Case shows that the European Union is a political and diplomatic deception, always subservient to the demands of Washington
Full translation below the line.
The case of Edward Snowden is at the root of a serious diplomatic incident between Bolivia and several European countries. By order of Washington, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal have banned the presidential plane Evo Morales to overfly their territory.
1 – After an official visit to Russia to attend a summit of gas-producing countries, President Evo Morales took his plane to return to Bolivia.
2 – The United States, thinking that Edward Snowden, a former NSA agent CIAE, author of revelations about spying operations in his country, was the presidential aircraft, ordered four European countries – France, Italy, Spain and Portugal – Evo Morales that prohibit flying over their airspace.
3 – Paris immediately fulfill the order coming from Washington and canceled the permit overflight of its territory, which was granted to Bolivia on July 27, 2013, while the presidential plane was only a few kilometers from the French border.
4 – So, Paris has endangered the lives of Bolivian president who, for lack of fuel, had to make an emergency landing in Austria.
5 – Since 1945, no nation in the world prevented a presidential plane to fly over its territory.
6 – Paris, and unleash a crisis of extreme gravity, violated international law and the diplomatic immunity of the absolute which every head of state enjoys.
7 – The socialist government of François Hollande looked seriously the prestige of the nation. France appears before the eyes of the world as a country servile and docile not hesitate an instant to obey the orders of Washington, against their own interests.
8 – In making such determination, Hollande desprestigiou the voice of France on the international scene.
9 – Paris also became the target of a joke worldwide. The revelations made by Edward Snowden have revealed that the U.S. spied several EU countries, including France. Given these revelations, François Hollande public and firmly asked Washington to stop with these hostile acts. Yet behind the scenes, the Elysee Palace faithfully followed the orders of the White House.
10 – After discovering that it was false information and that Snowden was not on the plane, Paris decided to cancel the ban.
11 – Italy, Spain and Portugal also followed Washington's orders and forbade Evo Morales to overfly its territory before they change their minds when they learned that the information was not true, and allow the Bolivian president to follow your route.
12 – Prior to this, Spain demanded to inspect the presidential plane, violating all international legal norms. “This is blackmail, we will not allow as a matter of dignity. We will wait as long as necessary, “said the Bolivian president. “I'm not a criminal,” said Morales.
13 – Bolivia denounced an attack on their sovereignty and immunity against its president. “This is an instruction from the U.S. government,” according to La Paz
14 – Latin America unanimously condemned the attitude of France, Spain, Italy and Portugal.
15 – Unasur (Union of South American Nations) convened an urgent extraordinary meeting after this international scandal and expressed “outrage” through its Secretary General Ali Rodriguez.
16 – Venezuela and Ecuador condemned “the offense” and “attack” against President Evo Morales.
17 – President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela, condemned “an aggression grossly inadequate and uncivilized”.
18 – Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa expressed his indignation: “Our America can not tolerate much abuse”.
19 – Nicaragua denounced “barbaric and criminal activity.”
20 – Havana castigated the “act inadmissible, unfounded, arbitrary offends throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.”
21 – Argentine President Cristina Kirchner, expressed his dismay: “Definitely, they are all crazy. Chief of State and his plane have total immunity. Might not be such a degree of impunity.”
22 – Through its Secretary General José Miguel Insulza, OAS (Organization of American States) condemned the decision of the European countries: “There is no justification for committing such actions to the detriment of the president of Bolivia. Countries involved should take a explanation of the reasons why they took this decision, particularly because it endangered the life of the first representative of a member state of the OAS. ”
23 – ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America) denounced the “flagrant discrimination and threat to diplomatic immunity of a Head of State.”
24 – Instead of granting political asylum to the person who allowed him to discover that he was the victim of hostile espionage, Europe, particularly France, do not hesitate to create a diplomatic crisis with the goal of delivering Edward Snowden to the United States.
25 – This case illustrates that, if the European Union is an economic powerhouse, it is also a political and diplomatic deception unable to adopt an independent stance toward the United States.
(*) Doctor en Iberian Studies and Latin American University of Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV, Salim Lamrani is professor at University de la Reunión and journalist, specializing in relaciones between Cuba and the United States. His latest book is called The Economic War Against Cuba. A Historical and Legal Perspective on the U.S. Blockade, New York, Monthly Review Press, 2013, with a prologue by Wayne S. Smith and foreword by Paul Estrade. Contact: lamranisalim@yahoo.fr; Salim.Lamrani @ univ-reunion.fr. Facebook page.
Phi Beta Iota: What the US Government and their European collaborators did is terribly wrong at multiple levels….and certainly not representative of the will or the heart of We the People of the United States of America. Even more troubling is the reality that no one will be held accountable for this outrageous violation of all precepts of international diplomacy and law. We share the global indignation over the impunity with which the USA and its European servant elites have violated the office of the President of Bolivia, representative of the People of Bolivia.
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