NIGHTWATCH: US Navy – Can You Spell Corrupt?

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military
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Aircraft carriers: feedback. A Brilliant and well-informed Reader reminded that Spain and Italy also have built aircraft carriers, making a total of seven builders. A search of the web indicates that nine navies have aircraft carriers and most have trouble doing so. Another Brilliant naval warfare expert and Reader calls them “big targets.” Feedback welcome.

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Phi Beta Iota:  The US Navy has lost its mind and its integrity (barely edging out the US Air Force for the lead).  It no longer has the ability to honestly evaluate the threat and the need; to devise a strategy; to construct appropriate ships with appropriate capabilities; or to train, equip, and field a Navy with global reach that is sustainable.  The US Navy is a fraud — a very corrupt and ineffective fraud.  Every one of its ships is vulnerable to an Israeli or Chinese submarine with German diesels, and also highly vulnerable to the Sunburn missile that goes over Mach 2 and can zig zag.

NB:  Loosely-educated officers — sadly including many but not all of those who have been afforded the opportunity of a US Naval Academy and Naval War College education — have substituted loyalty to “the system” for integrity to the “whole,” and are further handicapped by not understanding that integrity is about much more than personal honor — it encompasses one's Oath to defend and support the Constitution against all enemies domestic and foreign; to apply one's intellect with integrity, meaning in a holistic manner that is uncompromising in its search for full spectrum understanding and ethical evidence-based decision-making; and to serve the public interest rather than religious, service, or branch interests.  Most officers fail this test across the board.

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See Also:

2012 Robert Steele: Reflections on the US Military — Redirection Essential — and a Prerequisite to Creating a 450-Ship Navy, a Long-Haul Air Force, and an Air-Liftable Army + Sanity RECAP

2012 U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: 450-Ship Navy, <24 Hours to Anywhere, Peace from the Sea — Full Text Online

David Isenberg: How Responsible is the Chain of Command? IS THERE a “Chain of Command?” Does Yamashita Standard Apply to Commander in Chief?

NEVER FORGET: USS Liberty – 34 KIA, 171 WIA

Search: environment and the 21st century naval war at sea

Winslow Wheeler: The U.S. Navy – Troubled Waters


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