Who is Behind Prop or Not?
The backers of the mysterious web site “prop or not,” which lists hundreds of allegedly fake news web sites, have appeared to be identified by the investigatory web site, “Wall Street on Parade,” according Paul Craig Roberts:
The Martens find PropOrNot background ties to the billionaire Koch brothers, to the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, to the Sarah Scaife Foundation (the Mellon fortune), ExxonMobil, US Senators Chris Murphy and Rob Portman, who tie into Citigroup d Goldman Sachs, “two Wall Street behemoths that would very much like to pivot the national debate to anything other than Wall Street power and corruption.”
Learn more: Who’s Behind PropOrNot’s Blacklist of News Websites
Phi Beta Iota: In combination with the despicable, illegal, and unethical censorship against citizen intelligence minutemen being carried out by Facebook, Google, and YouTube (all beneficiaries of CIA funding at one point or another), this latest effort, while ridiculous on its face, is likely to be successful until Donald Trump creates a Trump Channel, or an organization such as Politico gets serious about deep broad truth — the truth at any cost lowers all other costs. The Establishment is panicking.
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