ITNJ: Pedophilia Enabled by “Professional Secrecy”

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence

Carine Hutsebaut

Psychotherapist and Criminologist and author on child sex abusers and child murderers. Frequent Expert Witness and profiler for ministries of justice across Europe. Founder of the International Center for Molested and Abducted/Adopted Children. Author of the book, Child Hunters: Requiem of a Childkiller (Xlibris, 2011). Member of the Academy of Behavioral Profiling. Multiple movies have been made on the basis of her work.

White Paper in full text below the fold.

  1. The Eternal Umbrella called: Professional Secret

It is obvious that we cannot do without Professional Secret in some ways. It is unthinkable a suspect is warned by the openly investigation leading to his/her arrest.

When used appropriate it even is not a problem for society. But when the Professional Secret is used to hide things the population is not supposed to find out, there is a huge problem. And that is what we see time over time again. It is not acceptable for several raisons:

  • Parents, family and society are entitled to know what investigators are doing in cases of disappearances, murder or rape of a loved one. Whether it is a child or an adult. As soon as the family has been excluded from the suspect list, they need to be included in the investigation teams. Because they know how their loved ones are and how they react to events, the police does not. Too often we see that the family is considered as a nuisance, the enemy, … and that is not exceptable. We PAY them to do their job, so we are entitled to be informed.
  • In many (proven) cases we can see after years that the police did nothing at all. Sometimes the files contain only one paper: the reporting of the disappearance by the family or loved ones.
  • The secrecy also hides blunders, unprofessional behavior, refusal to investigate imporant leads, refusal to question suspects and downright ignorance on behalve of those who are supposed to know how to lead an investigation.
  • Sometimes the secrecy covers up the blockages to hide pressure from ‘above’. Pressure to burry an investigation where important people are involved. We have numerous examples of those cases worldwide. Especially in networks and even more where the crimes are used to blackmail ‘interesting’ people.
  1. The 5 types of Child abuse:

There are 5 important types of child abuse. Each of them are painful for children. Those abuses mark children up to what they will become later in life. And it speaks that the image of themselves are devastating.

  • Psychological abuse: locking up children in closets, basements, atticks, dark rooms… without food or water for undetermined times. Many of those children are terrified, not knowing when they will be released or even IF they will be relieved one day. Children do not think as adulst. Fear releases huge amounts of adrenaline and that is good, unless that situation goes on for long periods. The fight or flight reaction can only be useful for a short time. There are physical consequences linked to long periods of time in fear (too much adrenaline for too long)
  • Mental abuse: you are ugly, you are worthless, you are stupid, nobody will ever love you, … Parents, grandparents, caretakers and others who are describing children that way througout their childhood, don’t seem to realize what this does to a child. For the rest of their lifes they will be convinced they are no good, that they are stupid, that indeed nobody will ever love them and the most damaging issue here is that those children think it is their fault. So they live a life full of guilt and are almost visible targets for wrongdoers as child sex offenders, and in later life: scammers, slave drivers, aggresive partners, etc. Some of those children risk to turn that feeling of guilt into anger and can become themselves dangerous adults, repeating the abuse on their own children. These are the vicious circles society pays a huge price for.
  • Physical abuse: Parents, grandparents or other caretakers hitting, burning, torturing, beating, … children. Often we see that those perpetrators have themselves been victims of the same treatment during their childhood. They have ‘learned’ that this is the way to handle children. For them it is a way to release their own stress and fear, but also it fits the way they feel about themselves: worthless and so their children are worthless too.
  • Alcohol/drugs/medication abuse of one or both parents or caretakers… This is an abuse that is often underestimated. Children that have to deal with drunk parents suffer a lot. They never know how that parent will be, they have to be prepared to violence every minute of the day. And this can change in a heartbeat. All of a sudden the parent loves them. This is so devastating children consider it all as their fault, while they are not responsible for the behavior of adults.
  • Sexual abuse of children: from disposing children to porn to torturing and murder… The most devastating abuse amoungst the others. Children who have been victim of sexual abuse, are in most cases also victim of all the other abuses mentionned: the offenders abuse them psychological (the abuse takes place in hidden places), the mental messages the children receive are: you are worth nothing, you are an object, you deserve what you get… The physical abuse in rape cases are obvious. And often the criminals are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, medications which lowers their inhibitions. So yes, sexual abuse is the worst abuse of all.

We know that children who have been victims of at least 3 of the 4 traumas have a high risk of suffering from a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder on long terms (which means almost throug life without treatment).


  1. The effect of Child Sex Abuse on society worldwide

What does a society wants in case of crimes?

  • Punishment for the wrong doer (can be many things but prison is the most important in child sex crimes because this is a very disturbing crime on the integrity of a human being. Because most offenders put the blame on the victim. This is one of the reasons many victims do not report the crime against them. They feel guilty of a crime they are not guilty about. Often the victim is not believed and even punished for reporting sexual abuse. And one does not talk about things he did wrong. Offenders know that very well, that’s why they blame the victim: YOU came to see me. YOU did not say NO. YOU provoked me…) A prison sentence – even a very short one – makes it clear to a victim that only the offender is to blame. Prison sentences mean at least 70 % of the healing of a victim.
  • Recovery/restoration/reconstruction of the damage done for as well the victim as the whole of society. Restoration can be many things. There can be a financial arangement or regulation. There is the treatment which is not easy for offenders and takes approx. 18 months of intens work. Then you have the sincere regret. Our society is not informed enough of what communication between an offender and a victim can mean for the victim. That is because of a lack of understanding the dynamics between victim and offender. It is important for a victim to know WHY did this person do this to her/him. Unfortunately it is mostly forbidden for the criminal to contact the victim. This is alright, but why not consider ‘in between’ specialists to make that necessary bridge?
  • Relapse prevention The child sex offenders I treat start with signing a contract of NO CONFIDENTIALITY. Does this means I will spread what we are working on in therapy will be diffused all over the planet? No, it doesn’t. But all probation officers, police departments, the justice department, the counselor of the victims and everybody involved in the damage done, can come to my office and we’ll go over what I am doing with the criminal. These people have the right to know. Sexual criminals are amongst the highest rates of relapse. 98 % of them relapse within an average of 4 days without treatment. This means that the therapist treating a sex criminal has a huge responsibility towards the community. The community has the right to know what he or she is doing to prevent relapse.

The impact of child sexual abuse – and especially on the wide scale it is being performed – is devastating for a whole society. Scientific research in California has proved the damage done to the brain. Because of the huge trauma, children need all their energy to reconstruct themselves from the confusing, the feelings of guilt, the impact on their integrity … and no energy is left to be creative, to be joyfull, to feel a complete human being. Some of these victims become themselves violent sex offenders (10 % of the male victims), some try to find solace in drugs, alcohol,  prostitution, some want to get even and become criminals, some cannot study anymore because they lost self confidence… the list is endless. The fact that many female victims are infertile could be one of the consequences of sexual abuse.  And as said in our conversation: an average child sex offender makes between 100 to 15O victims during his sexual active years (between 15 and 65 years). This means that 1 offender making 150 victims from which 10 % becomes themselves offenders representing 15 new offenders making again an average of 150 victims = 2.250 new victims coming from ONE offender to start with. It is evident that this has its impact on the whole of society. And I even did not talk about the financial cost to repair all the damage done, also by those victims who became themselves child sex offenders, or drug abusers, alcohol abusers, thiefs, violent people, not able to love…

Interviewing severely harmed victims.

Get the person on ease. Be at ease yourself. Don’t get shocked by what you will hear. Stay in control of your own emotions and try to menage the emotions of the witness.

Ask the victim to tell their story and what they want to tell. Don’t push. Say nothing, but listen.

Interview in Free Recall:

The victim tells his or her story. It can be very eratic, no coherent, confusing, very emotional or on the contrary: ice cold. Don’t show your reaction, just watch and listen. Take notes of what is not clear but don’t ask a question. Nod your head from time to time to show you are with them. Never give a sign of disbelieve. When the victim is loosing it, confort her of him. Show you are there for them and won’t let them on their own. Give the victim the time to tell his/her story. There might be long pauzes. Respect them.

When you see that the victim is loosing it, (dissociating, regressing), intervene in a nice way. Say things like: “Don’t go away. Stay with us/me. I’m not gonna abandon you. I’m here for you. There is no danger. You are safe here. I understand it is difficult for you. But remember, you have been a victim, you are not a victim anymore. You are sharing your traumatized memories with us but you are not reliving them in reality now…”

When you see (please be very attentive to the signs) that a victim is ‘gone’, which means she/he is dissociating, you wait for a few seconds. As soon as you see empty eyes, you know the victim is leaving. This means that the victim retreats from reality and will no trespond anymore. The body is there, but it is empty. The victim goes to a place in his/her head where it feels safe. Sometimes victims get out of their bodies. They know how to do this because they used it as a survival method when the were tortured, raped, harmed. They then can see their body from above, but the are not in it anymore.

When you observe this happening, you have to intervene very quickly before it is too late. If you wait too long, the victim is gone and it can take hours before you can get her/him back.

Say things like: “I see you want to leave. Don’t. You are safe her. Nobody is going to hurt you. We are only listening to your story and we will do whatever is possible to get Justice done to you”. Keep talking until you hit a button where the victim feels safe enough to come back. Don’t use sentences like: ‘You are doing a great thing for other victims too’. At the very moment of dissociating there are simply no other people in the mind of the victim. It is all about surviving. Alone.

When the interview in Free Recall is over, you start the Cognitive Interview.

Look at the notes you took over things that were unclear or too confusing for you. Ask gently to explain this item. Most victims will do this. Take notes.

Sometimes you’ll see victims telling their story in a very organized way. This can also be confusing but often this is because they had to tell their story so many times before. Be aware that in those stories a lot can be fabricated. When the first interview has not been done the way I explained above (Free Recall) the victim most certainly has been confronted with disbelieve by the first interviewer. They then try to fill in the gabs themselves because they want to be believed. And to obtain this, they understand that their ‘story’ has to fit, that it has to be fluent. That doesn’t mean the victim is lying its way throug interrogation, it only means they want to be heard and believed. Ask the victim at the end of their talking if they have been telling this story to others previously.

I prefer the confused story and work it out later. This gives a more acurate version of the thruth.

Questions to be treated in hearing victims of awful sexual abuse:

  • How will we handle false allegations? As said: for 1 ‘victim’ lying, 10 are not believed anymore.
  • Be aware of the huge defragmentations, regressions, splitting of in alters, suicidal feelings… of victims during and after having testified. Who is taking care of them?
  • Is there the possibility to explain in the report what a child sex offender/Child killer is, why they do what they do, what the causes may be, what the prognoses for treatment are,…
  • Making the crowd worldwide aware of what satanisme is:
  1. Satan = used as a cover to hide their own perversions
  2. God = used to justify the crusades and the control over people
  3. Allah = used to justify violent bombings and to gain power over the world
  4. Hitles = used to hide behind for personal frustrations, hate, cowardice, …
  • It is important to take down the ‘dark’ curtains and expose those terrible criminals to light. The best way to do this is to take away their curtains they hide behind.

As I said in this document: it is important to punish the criminals. I proposed to arrest those known and put them all together on the Epstein Island they so much love. We give them food for one year and seeds to start their own food chain. The island can be guarded by veterans to avoid escape. This is one of the very important signals for the people and victims (see above) to show that we are serious and handling to their demand (point one of what a society wants) and it also shows that we are not only writing reports (as have been done thousands of times without any result).

And in fact it is in their (the criminals) own interest to ‘protect’ them against an outrageous crowd when they find out what is really going on in our world.

I am convinced that a lot of veterans will jump on the opportunity to finally do what they wanted to do right from the start they joined the army or navi: protecting society from evil. (I do know of veterans who would really like to do this)

Please have a look at how – in a peaceful way – we can start to wake up society. Not violent and also not group-like. No ‘MeToo’ situations. We need to touch each individual in his/her heart where they KNOW what is right. A group is vulnerable to be recuperated or targetted by the evil, individuals are not. 7 billion of individuals are an unbeatable army.

Go to and look very carefully to the messages in combination with the pictures.

The Sexual Criminal

The most asked question of victims of sexual abuse as well as most people in our society is:

“Why do people commit such horrible acts, especially on children?”

The answer is as astonishing  as simple: They do it because they like it. They do it because they can.

Regardless of what psychiatrists claim. Regardless of what lawyers say in courtrooms: they do it because they like it.

From there it is important to analyse WHY they like it. And that takes time and expertise. Before questioning sexual preditors, you need to know them. To get to know them, you don’t start with asking questions about the crime(s). You start with talking about them. Who are they? How did they grew up? What is their life experience? Why are they angry? …

It is my experience that sexual criminals and serial killers, have a very high IQ, but a terrible low EQ. This means you cannot beat them on a rational level, but you surely can on an emotional level. On the emotional level they score between 3 and 7 years of age. Easy to move them to confessions based on undeniable facts.

How do they react when first questioned?

  1. With denial
  2. By minimizing the facts
  3. By slowly confessing when they start to trust the interrogator

Never judge the person, judge their behavior and their crimes.

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