Corbett Report: Lawyer’s Petition for 9/11 Criminal Grand Jury in Southern District of New York

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media

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Phi Beta Iota: Video messages to President Donald Trump from some of the authors of the 9/11 Truth volume will appear shortly. They have  two asks: that the President mandate action of the Lawyer's petition; and that the President press for passage of the Barry Mcllvaine World Trade Center Investigation Act now before the House of Representatives.

See Especially:

Robert Steele: U.S. Attorney Has Received a Petition Demanding 9/11 Investigation

Richard Gage: Memorandum for the President of the United States: 9/11 Anomalies Not Addressed by the 9/11 Commission as Identified by AE911Truth

See Also:

Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for the Truth — False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE Adds NRA & RNC Letters

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