Kiss Idaho Goodbye: Another Major Land Takeover
What is truly remarkable about this is while our Idaho roads and bridges crumble there is plenty of money to spend on figuring out where cars collide with wildlife and put money into building a road for them. And here is the Highway 20 priority map for those animals. Now it makes sense why Idaho registration fees went up and why the current legislature has a huge task in front of them to fund transportation. Those bunnies need a safe passageway.
Graphics and Links Below the Fold.
Tip of the Hat to Ray Songtree.
See Also:
Graphic: Why Oregon Matters — Need to End Federal Ownership of Land
Graphic: Land US Took from Mexico, How Mexico Is Taking It Back…
SchwartzReport: US Southwest At Grave Risk – Federal Government Owns It and Has No Plan
Yoda: Movement Grows to End Federal Land Ownership
Thomas Jefferson: True Federalism = State & Local Sovereignty