Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Updates

Advanced Cyber/IO, Commercial Intelligence, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Amazonia Updates

List Only (Click Above to Read Expansions)

  • Eero: A Deal?
  • Amazon in Space
  • Rekognition Facial Recognition May Face a “Rekoning”
  • Hello, Air Pods the Amazon Basics Way

  • Amazon and Health Care
  • Amazon and Fairness Research
  • Amazon Reduces Some Prices at Whole Foods
  • Good Bye, Oracle
  • Hi, Microsofties. We’re Neighbors
  • An Amazon Alexa Robot May Be Developed
  • Jim Henson Shows on Amazon, Just Not in the US
  • Audio Watermarking
  • Amazon Gets More Twitchy
  • Amazon May Gun for Roku
  • Amazon Complexity
  • Amazon Goes to Bogota
  • Fleets of EC2 Instances. Fleets!
  • More Partners and Integrators

Read expanded updates report.


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