5 Stars – Priceless Primary “Reader”
I am in the middle of some sort of spiritual convergence in which everything I have learned up to this point in my 67 years of life is coming together centered on a new understanding of the indivisibility of God, consciousness, energy, and the Cosmos including what some call extraterrestrials, others call angels and demons, I choose to call advanced forms of energy with higher levels of love. Ethics — and patriotism — are central to my reflections.
Although billed as escoteric and occut someone like Albert Einstein (“everything is energy”) might choose the word I use to describe this book: fundamental.
The seven hermetic principles are:
- Mentalism
- Correspondence
- Vibration
- Polarity
- Rhythm
- Cause and Effect
- Gender
I suspect Einstein had read this book when he said:
Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.
This book is both a fast read and repeat read. It is more complex than it might appear, and I plan to use it as a regular in my flight bag, and as a “review” after reading other books — next up is a glorious book, Mary Magdalene Revealed: The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & the Christianity We Haven't Tried Yet.
There is absolutely no question in my own mind and heart but that we are at the beginning of 1,000 years of peace and prosperity in which the feminine will rise to leadership with compassion and balance. The age of male assholes is over — what we need to focus on now is protecting our young from losing sight of the seventh principle in this book, Gender. Here is one book along these lines that made a deep impression on me many years ago:
and more recently:
Review: A Politics of Love by Marianne Williamson with Additional Links
Review: Never Play Dead – How the Truth Makes You Unstoppable by Tomi Lahren
Review: Conscious Evolution: Awakening Our Social Potential
Review: The Compassionate Instinct–The Science of Human Goodness
Review: Ending the Male Leadership Myth – How Women Can Save Us from Destroying Ourselves
Gender matters. Balance matters. Polarity matters. Time for women to rise.
I've toyed at this convergence in the past — below are some of the categories in which I read that center on goodness — each links to all books I have reviewed in the category — but this time it is different. This time there is a laser focus on personal transformation (salvation in the now, see my review, The Christian Gospel for Americans – A Systematic Theology by David Ray Griffin, and — because of Donald J. Trump on one side and David Ray Griffin on the other — a profound commitment to Christian patriotism and nationalism. Other faiths that swear meaningful loyalty to the United States of America are welcome. Christian Zionists that are agents of a foreign power should be condemned for the traitors that they are….starting with Pompeo and Kushner, both stabbing our President in the back every single day.
At the end of it all my new-found peace of mind boils down to faith in the goodness of everything, and the inevitable triumph of goodness. Everything — including particularly the fake pandemic that is rebooting American self-sustainability and nationalism — happens for good reason. Be the best you can be in that context, and may your will — your choices — honor God.
See Especially:
Yoda: Ascension Christianity — Next Big Thing?
John Petersen: Cosmic Common Sense – Some Assumptions
John Petersen’s Mind-Expanding Reading List
Steele on Books & America: Love it or Lose it! VIDEO ++
Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Religion & the Politics of Religion
See Also:
Complexity and Resilience (200)
Consciousness & Social IQ (300)
Cosmos & Destiny (39)
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Electoral Reform USA (17)
Environment – Solution (161)
Information Society (260)
Intelligence – Collective and Quantum (120)
Intelligence – Public (341)
Intelligence – Spiritual (13)
Intelligence – Wealth of Networks (91)
Leadership (84)
Nature, Diet, Memetics, & Design (259)
Philosophy (166)
Religion and the Politics of Religion (133)
Survival & Sustainment (132)
Technology – Biomimicry and Clean (37)
True Cost and Toxicity (158)
Truth and Reconciliation (120)
Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution (334)
Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized (242)
Water, Energy, Oil, Scarcity (120)
Gregg Braden @ Phi Beta Iota (Videos)