Anthony Judge: Spike-endowed Global Civilization as COVID-19 – Humanity “bristles” as the world “burns”

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Spike-endowed Global Civilization as COVID-19

Humanity “bristles” as the world “burns”

Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold.

Nature of a “spike” in behavioural and experiential terms
Military weaponry and framing of behavioural spikes
Information, misinformation and trends — as spikes in memetic warfare?
Problematique and resolutique — as complexes of spikes
Values, principles and axes of bias — as configurations of spikes??
Collectivities and the upstanding as configurations of spikes?
Human disciplinary specialization understood as a global configuration?
“Spiky / Prickly” personalities
Comprehension, memory and spike communication — mirror neurons?
Identity, sex and “being a spike”
Spike dynamics and governance — by lockdown?
Strategic dilemmas: hedgehog, trolley and pineapple?
Cognitive resonance: Renaissance versus Spiking recovery
Strange spike symbolism of questionable relevance

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
