Mongoose: FDA Rules Forbid Emergency Vaccines Unless No Viable Treatment (e.g. HCQ) Is Available. Is This the Trump Card Against the Deep State?

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government

Alert Reader writes in:

So, in the article about doctors / Fauci, in the 4th paragraph there is a link to a Del Bigtree article that explains the possible treasonous (my words) objection to the use of hydrochloroquine: the requirement that there be no treatment available already

Medical Doctors Across the U.S. Continue to Expose Murderous Anthony Fauci for Withholding Live-Saving HCQ for COVID

. . . it is suspected that the real reason Fauci and his murderous accomplices are trying to silence these doctors, such as the Frontline Doctors who stormed into Washington D.C. a few weeks ago, is because legally they cannot petition the FDA to fast-track new drugs and vaccines if there is already an effective treatment available. (See: Is the 100% Cure Rate of Hydroxychloroquine a Threat to Fast-Tracking the COVID Vaccines?)

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