CLOSED. NEW Rolling Update:
Second Rolling Update Also Closed:
Memorable Short URL to Give Others:
Note: we waste no time at all on the disinformation. AP & NYT and others are legally liable, particularly if the Insurrection Act is utilized. Trump is on track. Facebook is fudging the stats, this post has been viewed and shared tens of thousands of times. Twitter may have this link banned.
Sidney Powell Legal Fund:
ROBERT STEELE: If you want to be part of this fight, donate to the website above. I have personally confirmed it with Sidney, and she is ON FIRE!
BITCHUTE (Never Censored, YouTube Always Censors):
- Ed Jewett: New Summary of Election 2020 Fraud
- HUGE: Patrick Byrne @ Deep Capture: USA Election 2020 Was Rigged: The Evidence
- New York Times: One nation, tracked – An investigation into the smartphone tracking industry from Times Opinion
- Mike Flynn: President Trump on Track to Crush Biden
- #UNRIG Video (0:50) Dr. (PhD) Cynthia McKinney in 50 Seconds — Trump Won Big; Expose It All, STAY THE COURSE
- State of the Nation: Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING.
- Robert Steele: Reflections on Taking Down #GoogleGestapo (aka BigTech or FAANG) and MSM
- Robert Steele: Media (Main and Social) Culpable for Lies, Fraud, & Sedition — Insurrection Act Immediately and Deeply Exposes AP, NYT, Other Media to Arrest and Conviction
Every Legal Vote Map and Table of Detected Fraud Across Seven States
- Website: Here Is The Evidence Digital Solider Crowdsourcing
- Paul Craig Roberts: Giuliana’s Legal Team Presents Overview of Election Fraud Evidence
- Video, Bio, Transcript of Edwin Vieira PhD JD on Election 2020 Fraud and What Giuliani Is NOT Doing (Criminal Conspiracy Instead of Civil Actions)
- Robert Steele & Ed Jewett: Trump Will Not Concede, SOF Has Captured All Servers in Germany with Fraud Evidence, We Are a GO for Righteous Triumph!
- Best And Most Succinct Explanation Of The Coup I’ve Seen–What Was Planned and What Went Wrong
- Rep. Rodney Davis: Significant Events in the 2020 Election Cycle
For the people who think the global mass arrests are a complete farce, allow me to explain the legal justification to what is soon about to take place. For the last 19 years our nation, the USA, has been undergoing a SILENT WAR between military intelligence and…
— Bush320 (@bush320) May 16, 2020
UPDATES (Sorted by Date of Publication — Less Videos Still To Be Done)
4 December 2020
WND: Report: Dominion machine analyzed, and yes, it switched votes
Zero Hedge: “This Needs Answers”: CCTV Video Of Georgia Poll Workers Sparks Election Fraud Outrage
3 December 2020
BrassBallsBlog: Clinton Foundation invested $2.25 million in Dominion voting machines
Alleged server farm raided by forces loyal to the Constitution:
2 December 2020
NewsTarget: A “day of reckoning” is coming – Lin Wood reveals, “the evidence I have is stunning!”
Holy Shit @LLinWood just sent chills up my spine! “WE ARE CIRCLING THE WALLS OF JERICHO” #DoYourJob
— GreenCastleGo (@GreenCastleGo) December 2, 2020
Owl: A Super Authentic Eye Opening Thread on Trump 2.0
1 December 2020
Statement of Trump Legal Team on Bill Barr’s Comments on Voter Fraud.
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) December 1, 2020
DaveHodges: All Hell Is About to Break Loose As Washington DC Is In a State of Absolute Panic
LewRockwell: The Proof Is In: The Election Was Stolen by Paul Craig Roberts
Zero Hedge: Georgia's Raffensperger Suddenly Concerned About “Illegal” Out Of State Votes
30 November 2020
Zero Hedge: Georgia's Raffensperger Suddenly Concerned About “Illegal” Out Of State Votes
American Thinker: A compilation of twenty alleged election ‘facts' that don't pass the smell test
Below includes interview with Mike Flynn.
Phi Beta Iota: We are now bored with the headlines, the last word is Simon Parkes and his video below under 29 November 2020. Next two weeks should be way cool. Joe Biden is probably wearing an ankle bracelet under his boot.
Our YouTube Terminated. Everything at
29 November 2020
According to Simopn Parkes and his sources, there were indeed 5 American military casualties as well as a high ranking official killed in the raid on the Dominion servers in Frankfurt. The heads of the FBI and CIA are going to be replaced very shortly – one position is already vacant. (Has anyone seen Gina Haspel lately?) Lots of arrests and military flights to Gitmo taking place. Many associated with Dominion and attempt to overthrow the USA have been arrested. GSA $7M transition is forcing Biden to declare foreign income – indictments being drawn up on all those associated with Hunter Biden laptop. Third term for Trump is possible — shake up so great could demand this.
Phi Beta Iota: This would also allow time for a Constitutional Convention that demands public education for several years prior to its being viable.
Robert Steele: 15 Constitutional Amendments — Protect, Modify, Cancel — UPDATE 1
Emergency Order just entered by Federal Judge Timothy C. Batten, Sr.:
“Defendants are ordered to maintain the statue quo & are temporarily enjoined from wiping or resetting any voting machines in the State of Georgia until further order of the Court.”
PBI: This order may have been reversed. The drama continues.
Stop the steal NOW @BrianKempGA.
Ed Jewett: New Summary of Election 2020 Fraud
28 November 2020
WVW-TV Exclusive: Lt. General Michael Flynn's First Interview Since President Trump's Pardon
EpochTimes: Zuckerberg-Funded Group Comes Into Spotlight in Election-Related Court Cases
Summit News: Fareed Zakaria “There Are “Legal & Constitutional” Ways For Trump to Stay in Office”
Phi Beta Iota: This in our view is the beginning of the end of the false media narrative, now the tide turns. Our guess: he has made a deal with Team Trump.
Ed Jewett: Parler Chit Chat on QAnon+ What’s Happening
Martin Geddes: The Digital Coup and the Great Exposure
Phi Beta Iota: Above is one of the most brilliant essays we have seen on what happened and how triumph — and peace — loom.
See Also: Martin Geddes @ Phi Beta Iota
“They aren’t saying ‘no evidence’ anymore They’re saying they don’t like the evidence Note the narrative shift”
Straightforward from here:
- GOP controls state legislatures in key swing states
- Legislatures convinced of fraud; send own/no electors
- Biden deprived of 270
- State delegations in House re-elect Trump 26-23
Phi Beta Iota: AND/OR Supreme Court sends to Congress after compelling statistical proof of electronic fraud undermining all votes see Corsi video. Needs special session of EXISTING Congress before end of year — NEW Congress starts 3 January can change rules to block Trump confirmation.
DailyBeast: Ex-Overstock CEO Says He’s Put Together an ‘Army of Various Odd People’ to Save Trump
Mongoose: Election 2020 Photographs of Truth!
Phi Beta Iota: Excellent pressure move. The Satanic pedophiles and their bribed and blackmailed servant class are squirming.
27 November 2020
ABC27: [Pennsylvania] State Lawmakers Introduce Resolution Disputing 2020 General Election Results
3Days3Nights: Military Tribunal Guilt Grid
Jon Rappoport: Rebellion rising; the people have had enough
on vaccine advocate Bill Gates also designed the fraudulent election software used by Dominion Trump Says Big Tech Immunities Must Be Terminated for ‘National Security’ Reasons
26 November 2020
26 November 2020 Additional
Free Press Ireland: 1.2 Billion+ in Presidential Election Bets – And Trump Is Pulling Like A Train
StateoftheNation: Joe Biden Belongs in Prison, Not the White House
ZeroHedge: Giuliani, Trump Pull Off ‘One Hell Of A Hearing' On Pennsylvania Election Fraud
Sidney Powell: Kraken Release Update – Kraken Released on Georgia, Michigan
25 November 2020
LifeSite: I know Sidney Powell. She is telling the truth
Courier-Journal: Judge: Beshear can't halt in-person instruction at private religious schools in Kentucky
Washington Examiner: Huge court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result
GatewayPundit: BREAKING: KRAKEN RELEASED! Attorney Sidney Powell Files 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT of Massive Fraud in Georgia Election – Update: Michigan too
VIDEO (5:09): Tens of thousands of Wisconsin ballots found, may be fraudulent
VIDEO (10:00) TRUMP CALLS IN: President Trump Phones In To Election 2020 Hearing In Pennsylvania
ZeroHedge: Watch Live: Trump Tells PA Hearing “Election Has To Be Turned Around”
GatewayPundit: Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona Announce Election Fraud Hearings
EpochTimes: Judge Blocks Certification of Pennsylvania Election Results
JamesFetzer: EXCLUSIVE #StopTheSteal Evidence Dump: Proof Of Voter Fraud In 17 States
Should President Trump concede to Biden? Poll Results: No: 190,593 (98.9%) Yes: 2,181 (1.1%) Total Votes: 192,774. @gregkellyusa @newsmax For the good of our Country we must prevail!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 25, 2020
OperationDisclosure: Georgia Fraud Evidence Tomorrow || Sierra (NZ)
Phi Beta Iota: Includes many useful tweet images including one on how GSA transition process now traps Biden into self-incrimination.
Millions of American Patriots are waiting to see a different mug shot of this criminal, James Comey @comey.
Indict him. Now. And many others too. #FightBack for Justice
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 25, 2020
24 November 2020
FEATURED — Very very high value in 19 minutes
StateoftheNation: THE GREAT STEALECTION: Trump got 80 MILLION votes, not Biden
Former CEO Of Overstock Says He Has Proof The Election Was Rigged, Can Overturn Biden’s Win
EpochTimes: Sidney Powell Filing Georgia Lawsuit on Wednesday, Says Attorney Lin Wood
BrassBallsBlog: Hunter Biden and China's 18 patents used to steal Trump vote
State of the Nation: Deep State Will Be Defeated – Attorney Lin Wood (Video)
HUGE: Patrick Byrne @ Deep Capture: USA Election 2020 Was Rigged: The Evidence
Video (56:50) Juan O. Savin on The Kraken & Panic In The D.C. includes text summary of what was said, some HUGE statements of great import
OAN: Trump campaign continues to fight as more evidence of voter fraud emerges
Video (5:51) Minnesota Freedom Rally “Stuff Your Mandate”
Video (43:15) The 2020 Election Was 100% Rigged & We Caught Them
Martin Armstrong: I Do Not Think Trump Will Win — Tyranny Looming?
Video (1:56:52) Dark Journalist The JFK Assassination 57 Years of Deep State Deception
Video (50:54) Black Conservative Patriot Patrick Byrnes on US Election Fraud
23 November 2020
The New American: Stopping the Steal
American Thinker: It's in the Code: Hanky-Panky in Virginia's Votes
Sidney Powell Legal Fund:
DefDog: A Priceless Twitter Thread on Trump’s Power and Genius
Robert Steele: Is Sidney Powell Going to Be In Charge of Treason Tribunals?
Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military
Her Statement Agreeing with the Separation Document
Populist Press: Gen. Flynn: Sidney Powell ‘Staying the Course,’ Will Prove Alleged Election Fraud
ROBERT STEELE: I have heard from three different sources that this statement was necessary and Sidney is still respected by the President and doing what needs to be done but I also have the impression that the President is FURIOUS with the “how” of this very ugly and unprofessional manner in which this was done. I am totally loyal to the President — I am totally loyal to Sidney Powell and Mike Flynn — I regard Giulini and Ellis with restrained doubt.
Alert Reader A writes in:
Devastated by the Rudy hatchet job, then realized > Sidney knows Rudy is playing slow walk, civil suit LOSER game. She is preparing multiple state civil suits (only DOJ, AG can bring criminal cases) that specify state crimes and linking. The underlying international Racketeering > this will quickly force states to decertify election and start criminal investigation, and block FBI Interference of federal charges to be brought to military tribunals > Col Richard Black, JAG (retired) Perfect for this Nuremberg 2.0
Alert Reader B writes in:
Observing the media feeding frenzy against Sidney Powell, what I am seeing is a defamation lawyers' multi-billion dollar dream case emergent. The attacks on Powell are in my view absolute defamation any jury will find in her favor on.
Alert Reader C writes in:
Robert, you are correct to be outraged at “the crass and unprofessional manner in which this was done, harming both Powell and the President” but I wonder if this was not a genius way of BOTH clarifying her separation AND creating a tsunami fund-raising push for — I know you donated and I have also, perhaps this is all for the best.
Alert Reader D writes in:
The media is a cesspool of shit and a certain segment of the population is unaware of who Sidney Powell is. She is not reported by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, et. al. As such, a fair segment of the population is under the spell of “there is no evidence of voting fraud”. So Flynn/Trump sets a trap for the media by announcing that Powell is “not on the team”. The result is that every shithole media outlet runs this story and salivates about the chaos and dysfunction in Camp Trump.
Now, the sleeping masses have been informed about who Sidney Powell is. They are curious and research her and receive additional exposure about Dominion, Scytl, The Hammer, Scorecard, and etc. The seed is planted and the public can thaw. The media brainwashing matrix sustains another crack. Powell continues her work as the B-52 and carpet bombs the crap out of everything in her way. When the bombs hit, more people have context and the extent of the lies are easier to accept.
Sidney Powell Legal Fund:
Worth Keeping an Eye On: George Webb's New YouTube Channel
WND: Trump should tell America: ‘Survival of republic at stake'
VIDEO: Election Fraud In Michigan Proven
WND: Constitutional experts: Fraud could put election outcome in state legislators' hands
22 November 2020
ConservativeTreehouse: Republican Business Interests Separate From Sidney Powell…
Phi Beta Iota: At the end we see the bottom line: Sidney Powell is going after the RNC (Romney McDaniel) and the GOP traitors that thought they could milk President Trump and now find themselves to be joining DNC as a target.
Phi Beta Iota: Common theme across multiple articles to wit POTUS team held back to allow criminal Governors to self-indict with certifications of fraud that doubles their culpability.
Dick Morris to Newsmax TV: Giuliani's Equal Protection Argument ‘Brilliant'
Is Chris Christie compromised? Watch this. Could this be scripted drama? Christie is not stupid and he knows that the evidence is enroute to the courts.
Sidney Powell Legal Fund:
UPDATE: Weak signals that are positive, but I remain angy over how this was done. Giuliani has no class at all and to have a child lawyer release that is for me offensive in the extreme. Thebelow quotes tell me the President is not happy with how this was handled and even less happy with how we have all reacted with righteous anger over the piggish way this was done. Sidney has been suspended from Twitter for twelve hours.
Sidney Powell @SidneyPowell1 & I are more alike than we are different.
We are fighting different legal battles for the same clients – We The People.
The People voted overwhelmingly to re-elect @realDonaldTrump.
All interests are aligned.#FightBack
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 22, 2020
There are no coincidences. Everything is planned.
Stay strong in your faith. Be patient. Trust the Lord.#FightBack
P.S. It’s Lin, not Linn. Short for Lincoln! I forgive you!!!
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 23, 2020
Sidney Powell Legal Fund:
@cynthiamckinney Replying to @MikeJoh23783141 @POTUS and @realDonaldTrump The mature woman with excellent communication skills, legal skills, is said to be “on her own” at this time??? Chris Christie tells @POTUS his legal team is a joke, but surely that could be Rudy dripping-hair-dye-Giuliani, but certainly NOT @SidneyPowell1 @OSSRobertSteele
@OSSRobertSteele @LouDobbs @SaraCarterDC @dbongino @Scavino45 @JohnMappin @sachastone @FLOTUS @MELANIAJTRUMP
@JennaEllisEsq @SidneyPowell1 is ten times the lawyer you will ever be and @RudyGiuliani is both compromised and a clown oozing shit from his ears. Is @realDonaldTrump upset over her buying more time and credibility than anyone else could? @GenFlynn was SAVED by her. Not happy.
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) November 22, 2020
Chris Christie has told the President that he should concede and that the President's legal team is a joke. While I agree that Rudy Giuliani is a joke (and totally compromised tool of the Zionists, and his girl Friday is a baby lawyer without a serious track record, this strikes me as either a brilliant head fake OR somebody has Chris Christie by the balls and he has sold out. POTUS must not concede. There are rumors of Alan “I didn't take off my underpants” Dershowitz joining the team. While Dershowitz is a formidable lawyer, any team that does not include Sidney Powell will be less likely to succeed. Powell has bought the President TIME and CREDIBILITY at a most sacred moment. To abuse her in this fashion is in my view grounds for firing Giuliani and Ellis, and foreclosing Christie from the second term. I pray this is a head fake. St.
Trump Campaign: Sidney Powell Not a Member of the Trump Legal Team
Trump campaign cuts Sidney Powell from president’s legal team
DuckDuckGo Sidney Powell Not On Trump Legal Team
Sidney Powell Legal Fund:
22 November 2022
Favorite Graphic:
- Pentagon changes cutting CIA out of the picture
- Supreme Court Justices reassigned to directly oversee state courts
- Biden suffers from dementia, not fully briefed as a security precaution
- FL & TX going for Trump was trip wire that panicked Deep State to deep fraud
- 60M Biden, 80M Trump, has seen screens from captured devices
- Good guys not bad guys captured servers in Canada and Germany
- Most of the evil-doers will leave politics, some will face courts martial
- NESARA/GESARA unlikely before December or January — JP Morgan opening in UK is sign that Deep State still controls financial world
Back-Up Video: Indictments Are Here – The Beginning
American Thinker: Why is challenging suspicious election results ‘a threat to our democracy'?
Sorry Liz, can’t accept the results of an election with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast, enough to easily flip the Election. You’re just unhappy that I’m bringing the troops back home where they belong!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2020
ROBERT STEELE: I would remind everyone that PhD JD Edwin Vieira has said most compellingly that the only greater crime against the public other than stealing an election is to knowingly concede and allow the election to be stolen. President Trump will not concede, Joe Biden will never be President, at worst President Trump will be confirmed by an absolute majority of 26 votes in the House. Here is the video link for Vieira: And a tip of the hat to YouTube for not censoring.
Charles Hugh Smith: One Chart That Predicts our Future [+ Graphic Above]
Email: Is this the KRAKEN?
[K]avanaugh > MI
[R]oberts > VA
[A]lito > PA
[K]avanaugh > MN
[E]lena > AZ
[N]eil > COx
21 November 2020
Seemorerocks: The link Between Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic, and the CCP
Jordan Sekulow to Newsmax TV: Pending Georgia Lawsuit ‘Shocking'
ROBERT STEELE: Sorcha Fall / David Booth is a known fabricator with a gift for narrative and an utterly superb grasp of real headlines — always a gold mine. I value what he does greatly. This is the single best narrative and single best collection of links I have seen him put together in the years I have been following this unusual but most valuable alternative media outlet.
SeeMoreRocks: SCOTUS reassigns Trump-appointed justices to key election states
State of the Nation: THE PARTY IS OVER ! ! ! “Releasing the Kraken”
Spells the Demise of the Democrat Party and an End to the “Special Relationship' with the UK and Israel”
LouRockwell: Remembering The November 22, 1963 Deep State Coup d’état
SeeMoreRocks: Smartmatic and Dominion are hiding their direct ties?
This complements what I reported yesterday – The REALITY behind claims about Smartmatic and the Venezuelan connection.They are trying to scrub the internet of evidence but we must not let them
20 November 2020
NWOReport: Trump’s BRILLIANT Pre-Election Executive Order that Trapped Democrats
State of the Nation: It’s not Russia or China behind the election coup, it’s the Brits.
RealClearPolitics:GOP Girds for ‘Election Fraud' Fights in Georgia Runoffs
Kamala Harris’s clown husband Doug Emhoff is a partner at DLA Piper, the law firm for [them].
Doug’s CEO, Sir Nigel Knowles is on the board of Smartmatic through Lord Moloch Brown’s holding company SGO Corp Ltd.@realDonaldTrump @RudyGiuliani @SidneyPowell1
(@3days3nights) November 20, 2020
Jim Stone: The Dominion fraud company has turned to vapor — Tucker Carlson sucks donkey dick
Jon Rappoport: The Rudy, Sidney, and Jenna show: a blistering press conference for the ages
Tucker @TuckerCarlson thinks he deserves evidence before the court of law. This is ego. Sorry Tucker, you don’t dictate where and when evidence is shown despite your bullying @SidneyPowell1. This show is no different than the rest of @foxnews.
— Bryan Eure (@JBryanEure) November 20, 2020
RELATED: John Peterson: An Explanation of What Happened to Fox News This explains Tucker Carlson being bad — as bad as he was over 9/11 with @cynthiamckinney : he is being bullied by Lachlan Murdoch who is destroying the financial value of @FoxNews – @SidneyPowell1 @TuckerCarlson GROW A PAIR, TUCKER! @GenFlynn
— Robert David Steele (@OSSRobertSteele) November 20, 2020
@foxnews is losing financial value every day because of Lachlan Murdoch. Murdoch appears five times (so far) in the book Pedophilia & Empire at Connect the dots? @FoxNews @SaraCarterDC @LouDobbs @KennedyNation I have potential buyer. Keep doing down!
— Robert David Steele (@OSSRobertSteele) November 20, 2020
Romney blasts ‘undemocratic’ Trump for pressuring Republicans to overturn election results
PBI: This may be a head fake, Romney could be wearing an ankle bracelet and has cut a deal to tease Deep State / DNC as Trump prepares to stab them in the heart. Romney is very smart, not stupid, so we go with head fake.
AP FACT CHECK: Trump legal team’s batch of false vote claims
PBI: When Tucker Carlson rolls over and plays stupid, it deepens the impression that all of the media — including Fox News — is under the control of Satanists and pedophiles. Learn more at, we are about to publish Book 3 in print, everything is free online in full text with tag cloud and translatable to boot. Murdoch appears five times in the pedo tag cloud … so far which means give separate chapters, many times more within those chapters. More to come.
19 November 2020
Favorite graphic today:WARNING NOTICE: We fell prey to a genius modification of the Dominion logo that added the blue “hidden” aspect — the modified logo accurately represents what Dominion was designed to do so we are sticking with the video
Under Article I, Article II, Amendment XII of the United States Constitution, coupled with federal statutes that govern this issue, the United States Congress has the absolute right to reject the submitted electoral college votes of any state which we believe has such a shoddy election system that you can’t trust the election results that those states are submitting to us, that they’re suspect.
TinyURL for the above article:
PBI: Bottom line: 1 vote per state, House is 27 Republican, 20 Democratic, others tied. An absolute majority of 26 not a super-majority, is decisive.
Paul Craig Roberts: Giuliana’s Legal Team Presents Overview of Election Fraud Evidence
Trump’s top lawyer Giuliani explains Dem’s ‘big mistake’ that exposed rigged vote-counting machines
Stream: I Know Sidney Powell. She Is Telling the Truth
OAN: Lin Wood: President Trump won 400 electoral votes
PDF (64 Pages): Trump Campaign Plus vs Pennsylvania Court Filing
"To load results from a directory, start by opening your election project in RTR"…
This is the second of SIX Dominion Training Videos leaked from a NON-PUBLIC SOURCE.
These videos provide more transparency on just how Americans' votes are being counted.
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 18, 2020
Trump team declares president has path to victory
“Giuliani said that in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona “we more than double the number of votes needed to overturn the election, in terms of provable illegal ballots.””
Phi Beta Iota: Rudy Giuliani does well. Sidney Powell begins at 37:00. Zero Hedge summary ends on a snarky note, 26 failures 1 success in legal challenges, not understanding that all the judges are being bribed and blackmailed and the “failures” will not only go to the Supreme Court, but also trigger NSA-level investigations of each judge to document the influencers of the judges. Not addressed are all the pleas being made across the country for immunity in return for full disclosure. Philadelphia is the starting point for that, BOTH mob bosses AND police chiefs are seeking immunity there.
EXCLUSIVE: How a Philly mob boss stole the election — and why he may flip on Joe Biden
VIDEO: Mob Boss flipped on Biden?; 1643 Trump Floyd County votes “forgotten” | Front Page
DEVELOPING: Trump Team Lawyers to Hold Presser Today at Noon on “Clear and Viable Path to Victory”
18 November 2020
WND CANCEL CULTURE: The final stage of neo-Marxism's long-term goal is here
Trump campaign wants recount in 2 Wisconsin counties won overwhelmingly by Biden
Georgia Recount Monitor Catches 9,626-Vote Error During Hand Recount
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Trump Claims Over Invalid Ballots
Simon Parkes: California likely to swing to Trump; senior member of Trump legal team suggests Biden is a murderer — six scenarios all leading to Trump back in the White House.
17 November 2020
Berto Jongman: interesting piece by Sorcha faal on the November 6 raid in Frankfurt, with a number of interesting sources. Claim that the American dead from helicopter crash in Egypt, actually were killed in Frankfurt. From the analysis of the computers: Trump won landslide: 410. Robert Steele: Highly doubtful Haspel was present or wounded but she — and Brennan — could be dying in their sleep soon.
Is Trump lawyer Sidney Powell our own Joan of Arc?
The “Dominion” of Election Fraud? …Exposing the Dominion Voting Machines.
CNN: The 2020 election just keeps getting worse for House Democrats
FEC Chair: If Sidney Powell Says There Was Rampant Voter Fraud, “I Believe Her”
Hey, Brad @GaSecofState, this tape is further than 6 feet & they refuse to move it so spotters can try to review what is being done. You & @BrianKempGA need to know that we are building the case to expose your lies about the GA recount. It is a sham!
Every lie will be revealed.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 17, 2020
ELECTION 2020: Who Is Truly Behind the Scytl Voter Fraud Scandal?
16 November 2020
StillnessintheStorm: Sydney Powell Releases 4 Explosive Documents, in Response to Tom Fitton
Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell: “We're Getting Ready To Overturn Election Results In Multiple States”
Ed Jewett: US Military Raided CIA Server Farm in Germany
ROBERT STEELE: I just appeared with Dr. Cynthia McKinney on SGT Report and stated my view that deals like this being made all over the country.
Alert Reader: Sidney tweeted last night that the President ordered release of “The Kraken.” That means he's fighting all the way. That's all I needed to know. The rest of this fiasco can be put sqaurely on Jared Kushner's plate. And, one day, he's going to get to eat his own “preparation.”
Dominion Part of Council That Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statement –Dominion Voting Systems used statement, which obscured company's council membership, to dispute concerns over voting systems | 16 Nov 2020 | After allegations emerged that called into questioned the integrity of voting machines produced by Dominion Voting Systems, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) — part of the Department of Homeland Security — issued a statement on Nov. 12 disputing the allegations, saying “the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.” What the agency failed to disclose, however, is that Dominion Voting Systems is a member of CISA's Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council, one of two entities that authored the statement put out by CISA. In addition, Smartmatic, a separate voting machine company that has been the subject of additional concerns, is also a member.
Phi Beta Iota: It was indeed the most secure election in modern history, just not the way they thought. The people fired from CISA were not part of the sting, which included letting Dominion and Smartmatic think they had an inside track within CISA.
Three more New York sheriffs say they won’t enforce Cuomo’s Thanksgiving limit
Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To China Bank For Collateral by Paul Collin
Trump Confirms: Election Will Be Overturned
Does election justice now lie with GOP state legislators?
Orders to execute military operations have been written and are sitting on the President’s desk. He is aware that it is waiting for him and his decision to sign will be at his own pleasure.
ROBERT STEELE: Multiple House seats expected to flip, giving Republicans control of the House that will be further solidified when over 100 Members resign in a deal to avoid jail or declassification of voice calls and emails that will end them.
In case you're confused….
Which means JOE BIDEN, is falsely claiming to be president elect. The MEDIA, is falsely confirming a president elect.
Congress has made it official.
The Justice Team
(@LawDog323) November 16, 2020
Mongoose: Detroit Attorney on Electoral Fraud As Observed
15 November 2020
Above, Leigh Dundas, human rights attorney, closing at 9:23, cites the first sentences of Trump’s EO on international interference and “the distribution of propaganda and disinformation” therein. Then Dundas quotes Lin Wood from his Howie Carr interview,
“Let me give you some really, really, really good news. All of these corrupt people in the media that have served for money as the propaganda too, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, The Washington Post, New York Times, Atlantic Mother Jones, you named the list. They going to be destroyed too, because they will have no credibility at all. The days of watching the mainstream media are over because they’re going to be revealed as liars and they fell for it, but they didn’t really fall for it, they were part of it. They’re all going down Howie, we're going to have a new day in America.”
“I Concede Nothing”: Trump Blasts “Fake News Media” For Saying He Conceded To Biden
BurningPlatform: ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT [Best Overview of the Crimes]
Website — crowd-sources evidence of election fraud
OAN: Rudy Giuliani: President Trump will not concede election
OAN: President Trump: Many voter fraud cases filed by citizens, not campaign
OAN: Trump supporters hold ‘Stop the Steal’ rallies nationwide
Marshall Masters: We Are Going to Be OK
BREAKING: Michigan House Member Files to Impeach Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Dave Hodges researched this and here is his finding. President Trump can delay conceding until January 20, 2021. Then it goes to the House and each state gets its own single vote. This decides who is President. Perhaps Pelosi knows and is rushing things because she is afraid of this. This has happened before twice, once in 1820 and again in 1824. Skip over ad at first and go to 4 minutes and 15 seconds into video below.
Trump’s Bulldog Attorney Lin Wood: “Soon people will be going to prison. Lots of people”
Martin Armstrong: Trudeau Announced Plan for 1% Imposition of Communism
PBI: POTUS needs to do more in assuring the public that he will not concede and is certain to be confirmed by due process. He should also gather 30 top guns to educate the public on the fake pandemic, and then forbid all masks across the entire interstatate commerce ecology. A ceremonial burning of masks at the White House, along with firing Fauci and others, would be good.
Sidney Powell drops bomb: ‘I've got lots of ways to prove massive election fraud'
VIDEO: Scott Lively Says Justice Coming Like a Thunderbolt
TRUMP WON – FRAUD PROVEN: Analysis of Voting Data Shows Exactly What Happened
Reference Web Site: Red Pill University G. Edward Griffin
PBI: Robert Steele nailed the fake pandemic as a 5G radiation sickness deal in February — President Trump can ELIMINATE radiation sickness by neutralizing 5G. No vaccine (which will be toxic and contain DigitalID and 5G enablers). Since then we know that the tests are also fake, and could be used to take DNA samples to be used later for Satanic purposes — depopulation.
- 5G Update: by FreakedOut
14 November 2020
VIDEO EXTRACT German Subtitles: Release the Kraken (2:12)
You want to see what MAGA looks like!
VIDEO: Amazing Polly Deep State agents doing the auditing
2020 Election Most Corrupt in American History – Martin Armstrong
BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National Emergency”
Larry Johnson, What Is Bill Barr Going to Do?
Judge: Newsom overstepped authority with mail-in ballots mandate
13 November 2020
FEATURED: Joseph A. Camp on Twitter
The great purge: why remove these several documents -instruction manuals, and policies (thus no copyright owned pursuant to US Copyright) from your website? Sure hope no one saved everything for others to review.
All deleted documents here:
Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To China Bank For Collateral by Paul Collin
Mike Flynn: President Trump on Track to Crush Biden
VIDEO (4:07): Christina Bobb: Trump won. And the media lost its mind.
IT’S HAPPENING! Sidney Powell Calls to “Release the Kraken!” — MUST SEE VIDEO
TWEET VIDEO Lou Dobbs and Sidney Powell (6:58)
Million MAGA March to kick off in Washington D.C. on Saturday
PBI: Zionists last. Combined with expulsion of Kushner from the White House, all signs point to POTUS triumph and peace in the Middle East. Dr. Col Macgregor is as good as it gets for truth-telling and strategic wisdom. America First means not Israel First. As RDS has said, “Make the deal, mother-fuckers, or die.”
President Trump taps Rudy Giuliani to take over election legal fight: Sources
Ben Garrison: The Blue Mirage — STAY THE COURSE, Mr. President
Here's the key to an ultimate Trump victory
The Corruption in the Election – Are We About to Cross the Rubicon
#Breaking #BreakingNews
People on the ground in #Germany report that #Scytl, hosting YOUR elections data Improperly through #Spain, was raided by a large #USARMY force & their Servers were Seized in Frankfurt. Scytl Bankrupt
PBI: Jarvanka have been fired. POTUS is cleaning house. Christie could be new Chief of Staff.
FEC Chairman Says He Believes ‘There Is Voter Fraud' In Key States
Marshall Masters: A Free and Fair America for All
#UNRIG Video (5:25) #UNRIG Trump Election 2020 SOF Captures Servers, POTUS Spanks Internet
Video: Are Phone Networks Now Censoring Links About Election Fraud?
DIVIDED STATES: The post-election reckoning: 7 steps to restore the republic
Michigan Judge Denies Trump Bid To Block Certification, Election Audit
PBI: The Michigan judge could be a Deep State person bribed or blackmailed (perhaps with pedophilia blackmail). We are confident POTUS will prevail.
12 November 2020
Ron Paul: Trump (Finally) Hires Neocon Slayer – Col USA (Ret) Doug Macgregor Moves to Pentagon
Dominion Voting Systems, at Center of Election Fraud Claims, Tied to World Economic Forum and Soros
Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD, But a just weight is His delight. Proverbs 11:1
Trump campaign scores victory in Pennsylvania case
B|iden, O|bama, C|linton, P|elosi Tied to Voter Fraud, Child Traffic|king?
Robert Bridge: How The Democrats Weaponized A Pandemic To Beat Donald Trump
Florida “Anti-Mob” Bill Gives Civilians Immunity If They Shoot Looters Or Run Over Protesters
Michigan State Senators Request Full Election Audit Citing Voting Irregularities
VIDEO: Voters in Georgia feel they've been wronged | Doug Collins
Ann Delap: Extraterrestrial View of US Election 2020 (Video)
Tweet on Dominion Vote Fraud Owners & Red Shoes (Pedophilia and Murderous Pedophilia Implications)
Maricopa County AZ GOP Chair Resigns After Failing To Certify Dominion Voting Machines
PBI: It is our view that this makes it certain that all Dominion-related votes will have to be hand-counted, and possible the entire election will be done again with ONLY hand-counted ballots, unless Biden concedes to avoid jail.
VIDEO (Rumble Displacing YouTube?) This Election Crisis Is a Symbol Of Something Much, Much Bigger
11 November 2020
VIDEO: Trump movement more powerful than DEEP STATE expected
Lin Wood: Biden will be an inmate.
Federal Election Commission Chairman Drops Bombshell: ‘This Election Is Illegitimate’
BREAKING: #TrumanBlack Has Created A Computer Script That Combs Thru All The Election Data & Identifies Votes That: “SWITCHED” FROM #BIDEN TO #TRUMP & Votes “LOST” That Disappeared! Data Shows ALL SWITCHED Votes WERE TAKEN FROM TRUMP & GIVEN TO BIDEN! Site:
BOMBSHELL: Anon Crunches Voter Data, Discovers Election Software ‘Dominion’ Producing Massive Fraud…
Giuliani: Suits filed, President Trump to win Mich. and Pa.
Data deep dive on Dominion Voting Systems offers incontrovertible proof of election hack
Wisconsin Poll Workers Allegedly Altered Thousands Of Invalid Ballots: Report
Anna Von Reitz: Scorecard and the End of Nancy Pelosi — and Joe Biden
Watch: Are Phone Networks Now Censoring Links About Election Fraud?
Puerto Rico finds 126 briefcases with uncounted ballots 1 week after election
“I Did Not Recant”: USPS Whistleblower Stands By Backdated Ballot Claim
10 November 2020
(1/5) I joined @ShannonBream to discuss major voter irregularities in Clark County, NV. The Registrar unilaterally lowered the signature-matching accuracy standard on the machine used to count ballots to 40 percent — below the recommended setting.
— Adam Paul Laxalt (@AdamLaxalt) November 10, 2020
PODCAST Dan Bongino: Post Election Day Special with Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis (Ep 1393)
Trump will win the House – Thank California for it — several weeks away
Dr. Shiva MIT PhD reveals the way HAMMER and SCORECARD actually use a special Algorithm. He plots these in a database and compares them to actual NON-FRADULENT elections. Statistically when people vote there are trends and scattering effects. In this video he specifically looks at the CURRENT 4 Counties in Michigan that had the so called “GLITCH.” He concludes that Trump-Biden Election is a shame. Watch for yourself. Once this goes to court it's all over for the DEEP STATE.
The Deep State Vs The Deep Country
No time for phony healing – we do not concede!
Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn't “Declassify Everything”
Martin Armstrong suggest new election right away
BREAKING: HUGE! A DEMOCRAT whistleblower has come forward in MI! @RudyGiuliani to be filing lawsuit tomorrow!! Enough fraud exposed to FLIP Michigan!!!
— 𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 6.0 IN SIDNEY WE TRUST!
(@TrumpRulzz) November 10, 2020
Deeply Blue New England Disrupted by Republican Wins in Down-Ballot Races
Giuliani presents evidence for Trump's legal battle
PBI: We will know by thanksgiving. Unlike other false flag crimes, stealing the election has millions, not dozens, of whistleblowers. An avalanche of crime is about to be revealed and the organization behind the media machine is going to go down too.
Ten Attorneys General Join Supreme Court Case Against Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Deadline
Edwin Vieira: There is no question he thinks there is massive fraud. Cites legal code. Discusses the coup strategy. He says Trump has been advised by “feckless idiots”. He is suggesting that Trump is not in control of a necessary and immediate strategy to legally prosecute ….
PBI: The EO and the trackable watermarks make the audit possible and the outcome certain. Pennsylvania will vote for President Trump.
More Than 10,000 Dead People Cast Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows
Robert Steele: Insurrection Act on Strip Alert?
Escobar: First Comes A Rolling Civil War
Video: Breaking – Biden Loses Pennsylvania
Video: Charlie Ward's Update on the Election
AG William Barr Authorizes Justice Department Probe Into Voter Fraud
9 November 2020
VIDEO: Why I'm certain Trump will win a 2nd term
American Thinker: It's possible that 2020's election fraud is way bigger than we thought
The Four Year Plan To Overthrow An Elected President
Includes CIA deliberately getting Brennan loyalists elected to Congress.
VIDEO (49:12) Biggest Electoral Fraud in History?
VIDEO: Bannon & Gorka on Paths to Legitimized Re-Election
Army officer comments via email:
As much as I would like to see something done to the law breaking perpetrators of this fraudulent election, I really do not believe anything will be accomplished to ensure people go to jail. Absolutely nothing has been done over the past 4-years to incarcerate the bad apples and it is too late to expect anything will happen. Action is always louder than words or hope! The only thing a thug respects is another thug that has more power and literally physically beats them down. As such, until Conservatives stand up with physical action, everything we see happening will continue to be the norm. Imagine if Nancy Pelosi had her house burnt to the ground, AOC was robbed at gun point in NYC and roughed up, Shumer's extended family identified and their residences destroyed, the current call by left wing Minneapolis politician begging for LEA help being denied after what they did to the police, Hunter Biben being stabbed by an ice pick at a bar or whore house he regularly goes to, etc, etc, etc. We are in a political insurgency by the Right and have to fight back accordingly… that will be the only thing the left will respect as our Conservative political stand idle watching our country collapse and burn. At the end of the day, I do not believe Conservatives are up to the fight.
VIDEO: Shane Vaughn Teaches – “What Happens If President Trump Does Not Concede The Election”
Best And Most Succinct Explanation Of The Coup I’ve Seen–What Was Planned and What Went Wrong
American Coup: This was not just voter fraud out of Philly. It’s a coup by the oligarchy.
CORRUPTION NATION: Mathematical evidence the election was stolen
Pa. lawmakers back Trump’s refusal to concede, seek lawyers’ help to challenge results
Guess who owns the digital ‘Switch-the-Trump-votes-to-Biden” voting machines?
PBI: Mark Malloch Brown is headed for jail or death. The President's Executive Order was not focused on China or Russia, it was focused on Israel and the UK.
Donald Trump Jr: “Declassify Everything”…
PBI: Richard Pilger has worked w Lois Lerner of the IRS to screw over the Tea Party years ago. He appears to be totally compromised, good riddance.
Why SCOTUS will vindicate Trump's victory
BREAKING: Real Clear Politics Pulls Pennsylvania Call for Biden — WITHDRAWS ELECTORAL VOTES!
Former NYC Mayor and current attorney to President Donald Trump Rudy Giuliani details what he claims to be ‘voter fraud' in Philadelphia, and what he and the Trump legal team are prepared to do to legally fight the PA ballot numbers. – with Newsmax TV's Emma Rechenberg
Simon Parkes hits it out of the park. This is solid.
01 Blockchain tracking absolutely true. Special Signals Units were operating in each of the key states tracking all the ballots.
02 National Guard in 16 states federalized
03 Two US Generals overseeing counterintelligence probes in 16 states.
04 Recounts will be overseen by armed guards (probably US Marshalls).
05 Pennsylvania will go to Trump.
06 Other states might yield 30-60 delivery drivers that will testify for Guliani.
07 Thousands if not tens of thousands of dead people voting are killing them.
08 Deep State may be counting on manipulating the Supreme Court (e.g. Roberts who has long been suspected of being totally compromised).
09 First Lady totally on side, media is lying about her suggesting concession.
10 This is a public education campaign using Supreme Court as schoolhouse; this will destroy the “Satanic forces” including the media.
11 Trump and his team are certain he has 290 Electoral College votes.
12 November 26th (Thanksgiving) will be pivotal day toward closure.
13 9/11 started the movement toward draining the swamp.
14 Exact number of legal votes known across all contested stated. Court will hear HAMMER & SCORECARD and also demanding full audits.
15 Joe Biden does not have a clue. He may really believe he won. Harris is probably well aware of all the skullduggery and was expecting to be President.
Victor Davis Hansen's bottom line: Democrats miscalculated. Did not anticipate the Trump landslide, this forced them to take desperate measures in the middle of the night. The anomalies are clear. Five lawsuits — COVID used to manipulate the electoral rules across multiple states. Pollsters are vote suppressionists, total misinformation, we now have five Floridas. Base is angry, thinks USA has become a Third World country.
Biden kicks off presidential transition by begging Americans to wear masks
ROBERT STEELE: no one is this stupid, not even Joe Biden. This is a Wrestlemania drama and Biden is the designated heel reading his lines. Presidential-elect pretension appears designed to diminish Biden — he lost, we can prove the fraud, people will go to jail — and then we do election reform so that in 2022 all Independents, small parties, and yes — the Sanderistas — are proportionally and honestly represented. The allocation of 100 or more special election and appointed Members of Congress in the Spring will start that process. Trump will have mercy on those who go quietly out of the way.
Alert Reader writes in:
FAKE LEGACY MEDIA should have paid attention to understand what President Trump really meant by saying he would consider himself the winner in this election if “legal votes” are counted—and if paying attention, would have seen them discovering that the term “legal vote” doesn’t mean what they think it does—as on 22 August 2018, its true meaning was redefined by then Director of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen, who ordered election officials in all 50 states to ensure that ballots used during the 2020 presidential election be able to be audited—an election order followed on 12 September 2018, which was when President Trump signed into law for the 2020 presidential election BOOM!
GSA Responds to Biden Campaign: ‘Ascertainment Has Not yet Been Made’ on Power Transfer
Wayne Jett: Transcript of Dr. Steve Pieczenik on Watermarks and Massive Election Fraud Discovery
8 November 2020
Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING.
Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes
Making the vote irrelevant makes secession relevant.
American Thinker: Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming
Don’t Jump Off That Ledge. This Is Just a Blue Smokescreen
Supreme Court Decision: Fraud Vitiates Everything
The Fight for The Soul of Our Republic Has Begun
Thanks to the Democrats and the media, America’s democratic order is in crisis.
Blatantly Obvious Voter Fraud, Q, and the Alinsky Method
Giuliani: Trump campaign has the evidence to change Pennsylvania election results
‘Don't be fooled. This is not over'
Biden is so fucked. Words and image from Sacha Stone:
7 November 2020
VIDEO: Dems Committed Election Treason – Alex Newman
EXCLUSIVE: Former Michigan state senator exposes voting scandals in Detroit
‘World knows Trump won #MAGA’ banner flown over Goodison Park ahead of Everton v Manchester match
Martin Armstrong: The Watermark & Hammer
Special Source:
They’re trying to convince half of the country that Biden won with hope, of course, that Trump will fold . . . and setting things up so that when Trump wins, they have millions of very disappointed citizens who have been convinced that Trump “stole” the election through the SCOTUS and are willing to hit the streets.
Romney congratulates Biden after victory
Live Vote Count Subtracted From GOP Candidate, 3335b
Ask yourself the crucial question: why?
Let’s Take Stock of Where We Are
Text of statement from President Donald Trump
There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen
Airtight Statistical Analysis Proves Team Biden Is Stealing the Election
In 30 States, A Computer System Known To Be Defective Is Tallying Votes
Charlie Ward: Blockchain Used, Trump Won Landslide, Arrests Looming
Cynthia McKinney: USPS Patent for Blockchain Voting Integrity
James Fetzer: If Biden Body Double Did the Debates, Is This Fraud Nullifying His Candidacy?
6 November 2020
Life Under Biden: Three Camps (Biden Crooks, Harris Crooks, Sanders Crooks)
Twitter Thread Bill Binney on Software Being Used to Steal Election
Full List of Biden Voter Fraud Proof
Judaism is Template for COVID Communism
Market Friday: Civil War It is Then
Video: Sidney Powell Tom Fitton Lou Dobbs CIA Hammer Scorecard Election Fraud
Video: Supreme Court Massive Fraud
Donald J. Trump: Surrender, Assholes — I Have It All!
BREAKING: Trump Wins with 281 Electoral Ballots – UPDATES
State of the Nation: Trump Has Election Fraud Evidence
James Fetzer: Israel First Will Be Death of Corrupt US Congress
5 November 2020
The 2020 election: fuckery is afoot
ORIGNAL POST (4 November 2020)
Trump Says He Won in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia
If Trump secures the four states, he would win reelection with 281 Electoral College votes. Trump’s campaign earlier in the day also expressed optimism over his chances in Arizona.
ROBERT STEELE: The most telling factor is the massive and obvious difference between Republican vote percentages down-ballot, versus the Presidential election. This makes it quite clear that the bulk of the electoral fraud has been focused on the presidential election. The alleged numbers for Biden are so clearly divorced from reality that proving fraud will be a relatively simple matter. I am quite certain Trump won Arizona and Wisconsin and they will revert to him once all the fraud investigations are completed.
I have also been told that the President was reluctant to consider massive #UNRIG Election Reform Act until after re-election so there could be no possible claim that he was doing it to assure his own re-election. We may be on the verge of a very happy outcome at multiple levels.
Fox News needs to be purged — the irresponsible manner in which they have joined with CNN to declare Biden “elected” demands a house cleaning. Biden has not and will not be elected — the fraud is provable, the Supreme Court will hold the states accountable and the Republican majorities in all those state legislatures will ensure the Electoral College works as it should.
Tip of the Hat to James Fetzer for below.
The GOP won some 22 of 25 contested house seats. But that would have been impossible if the DEMS had actually received the vast number of votes reported. This means they added millions and millions of ballots that only voted for Biden and did not bother with the down races, So in reality, TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE.
Yes, Democrats Are Trying To Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And Pennsylvania
House Democrats Rankled By Surprise Losses
‘We will get f-ing torn apart': Nancy Pelosi, other Dems take fire on heated caucus call
See Also:
Michigan USPS Whistleblower Claims Late Ballots Received Backdated Postmarks
Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.
Trump assembling all-star legal team to mount election challenges in close states
3 November 2020
2 November 2020
Judge rules against Gov. Newsom in lawsuit challenging executive order
1 November 2020
17 October 2020
VIDEO (5:39): Donald Trump is the only world leader fighting ‘climate totalitarianism’
27 September 2020
SCOTUS FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Led the High Tech Lynching of Clarence Thomas
6 July 2020
In college, Joe Biden was known to be a pedophile
3 June 2017
31 March 2016
Phi Beta Iota: Rendon is a very unethical company that — like Dyncorp and other bottom feeders in the military-industrial complex — will gladly commit crimes against humanity for profit. They were state of the art until HAMMER and SCORECARD came along. A major reason they succeeded was because NSA is not processing 100% of what it collects; is not providing tactical SIGINT in support of clandestine HUMINT; and CIA at the top is a Deep State outfit, not in service to the public.
7 January 2015
2015: Revolution in America – Stop Paying Taxes and Stop Paying Mortgages & Other Debts
PBI: The above concept works if the Constitutional Sheriffs stand firm on blocking all attempts by banks and bribed or blackmailed federal and state authorities from reposession at the county level. See