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The Spiritually Dead gatekeepers of mainstream news
By Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews
A new series of realities is on the way. Centralized information-reality is on the way out. It's going to be thrills and chills. Major newspapers are dying. The internet is crushing them. And yet, if the NY Times and the Washington Post and the LA Times wanted to resuscitate themselves, they could. I'm not talking about one-day headlines. I'm talking about investigations that pound and pound on issues of corruption day after day, month after month. For example, these issues:
- The Federal Reserve/a clandestine private corporation.
- Medically caused death.
- Toxic vaccines.
- Trillions of dollars of missing US government money.
- The power of the Trilateral Commission over US government policy.
- The covert implementation of the UN agenda of destruction in US communities.
And a hundred more issues.
Expose these down to the core, and people would buy newspapers off the rack like they buy coffee and beer and video games and cell phones and gasoline and underwear and toilet paper and lipstick and fast food. The Times would have to schedule extra press runs just to keep up with the demand. Its financial bottom line would soon look like Christmas.
But the great esteemed centers of American journalism are part of the Matrix. They are in the business of falsehood, omission, diversion, and obfuscation. They live by those hallmarks.
You could talk to the publisher of the New York Times and present him with an ironclad business plan for pulling his paper out of its deep financial trouble, based on covering true stories like those above, and you would find no joy, because he would rather go down with the ship than go against the Matrix.
The Times and other hoary media outlets live by the rule of limited hangout. In intelligence parlance, that means admitting a small piece of the truth in order to hide the rest.
“We'll show you a tree in the forest, but not the whole forest.”
I know how it works, because as a reporter I've been there. I've approached editors of various media outlets with stories that crack the Matrix trance, and I've had those stories tossed back at me.
“We're just not interested,” they say. “This isn't our kind of piece.” Or: “Well, we already covered that.” But they didn't cover it. They did a limited hangout on it. They ran a story that exposed one tiny corner of a whole bloody mess.
I fully understand that media outlets black out stories that would endanger their own advertising dollars. But that's just the beginning of the true reason the major newspapers and television networks decline to run pieces that would once again make them gigantically successful.
To see what the Matrix is and how it operates, you need imagination. You need to use that imagination to understand what COULD BE but ISN'T. You need to be able to project how the truth could actually storm the bastions of planned ignorance and impel people to perceive startling new realities beyond the dross of what they have now.
I say this—partially as a boast and partially as simple fact—if I were the managing editor of the New York Times and I was given the corner office and free rein, I would have that paper back in the black in a year. I would have it roaring on all cylinders. I would have people fighting each other in the streets to grab the last copy off the newsstands. Every day. Journalism schools all over the country would close down in shame. Because we would be running stories that would crack the whole rotting edifice of cartel-control along many fronts, and we would be filling up a PLANNED VACUUM with something super-real.
But I gave up on that fantasy 20 years ago. Instead, I saw a day when these giants would wither like old men on their back porches staring out at the rain. And that day is here. It has come.
They gave up their right to cover the news. And now they're paying.
—It may have occurred to you by now that one of my main targets is: people dedicated to cynicism, despair, passivity, and self-imposed victimhood. They clog forward progress. They hold up the train. They drag down the future. They sit in their own puddles. They opt for abstract spectatorship, hoping for the occasional stimulation of adrenaline to relieve a permanent state of paralyzing boredom.
I don't write for those people. I never will.
I write for the people who can envision WHAT COULD BE and will at least consider making their stand there.
Like many other people, I know what cynicism, despair, and passivity are. I've visited that land. I've checked into those motels. But in the end, they're a joke. You know why? Because: what do they get you? They get you nothing. Zero.
At best, they get you the temporary hope that someone else will rescue you and drag you from the depths.
One thing that's going to happen as independent news takes over from the old goofs: there will be information, more information about workable solutions to vital problems. People need to be ready for that.
They need to be ready for answers that are shocking because they ARE answers.
It'll seem surreal. Workable answers? What??
People will need to adjust their minds.
The business of news outlets without solutions will be eclipsed.
If you think this is impossible, then become a citizen journalist, and make it possible.
No one of good will and intelligence needs to be on the outside looking in