Khazarian mafia offensive loses steam but high level intrigue continues
We must all push to make sure the criminal US corporate government is shut down on May 1st
Khazarian mafia attempts to start World War 3 stopped in Syria and in North Korea
Khazarian Satanists fatally expose themselves by turning Trump into a zombie slave
Phi Beta Iota: As wild as some of this stuff sounds, we give Benjamin Fulford the benefit of the doubt — at least 50% of this, perhaps closer to 80% — tracks with our understanding from other sources. A crash is coming in September; the elites are in a panic; Trump has been bought; assassinations are likely; a happy ending is possible.
See Especially:
Mongoose: Four Levels of Jew — Not to Be Confused with the Khazarian Mafia Led by Rothschilds
See Also: