Berto Jongman: Laura Hazard Owen Interviews Jonathan Albright on News in a Disintegrating Reality – Plus Email with Links from Robert Steele

Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Media
Berto Jongman

News in a disintegrating reality: Tow’s Jonathan Albright on what to do as things crash around us

It’s less about what we’re doing on Facebook, and more about what’s being done to us.

Read full article — strongly recommended.

Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: Yale and Harvard both mean well, but they fall within the “best of the servant class” to the Deep State and are not at all helpful to reconstructing reality toward a prosperous world at peace. I pray that one day they might be restored to their former glory. Below is the email I sent to the editor responsible for the above story.

EMAIL to Laura Owen

On News you missed half the story

I enjoyed your piece with Jonathan and will feature it tomorrow at Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog, along with a copy of this email.

However, you missed half the story.  I realize Harvard is very much in a servant status to the Deep State, but one of these days you and Yale are going to have to connect with re-connect with reality.  The fact is that just about every event since 9/11, and particularly including 9/11, has been a false flag.  I ran a false flag for CIA.  I am top voice and author on this topic. For you to continue to be in denial on this fundamental aspect of our economy, government, and society is not surprising — pedophilia was like that until PizzaGate, extraterrestrials will be like that for a while longer — but Deep State is here to stay and the sooner you get a grip, the more valuable you will be to society.  Attached is one small reference on Deep State.  Below are all the posts at my blog related to Deep State, Fake News, False Flag.

Deep State @ Phi Beta Iota

Fake News @ Phi Beta Iota

False Flag @ Phi Beta Iota

I wish you well.  Create the right event for me at Harvard and I will accept.  Generally I draw in the hundreds, with the right publicity it could be much larger.  My SPY IMPROV: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know But Didn't Know Who to Ask, has done up to 2,000 — and we set the record for duration in 2010 at Hackers on Planet Earth with 8 hours and 1 minute, something I will never do again. The ideal visit would be a dinner, workshop, lunch, lecture, dinner, SPY IMPROV.  Two nights and out.

Here are my top two pieces on #GoogleGestapo which you could usefully do a counterpoint article on:

With best wishes,
Robert David Steele
Chief Enabling Officer (CeO)
Earth Intelligence Network

Attachment: DEEP STATE SERIES Revised 1.3

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