Steve Aftergood: DNI Trust Through Transparency – Robert Steele: Zero Trust

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Steven Aftergood

DNI Says Build Trust in Intelligence Through Transparency

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats recently revised a 2012 Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) on “Civil Liberties and Privacy” to address transparency policy, and reissued it as “Civil Liberties, Privacy, and Transparency.”

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Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: The DNI is either delusional or simply deceptive. As long as the IC is 70% worthless inclusive of illicit mass surveillance of which only 1% is processed, and 30% grossly ineffective with 4% of what we need to know as the maximum it can produce, no offering of “transparency” is credible. Brother Aftergood speaks of sharing more open source products — a nice idea if anyone in the Open Source Center (OSC) were allowed to create a global human network of overt experts on all threats, all policies, all costs but that will never happen as long as the Clandestine Service is able to lock the OSC into “passive OSINT” and shut  them off from reality.  A radical restructuring of the IC is inevitable. We need to move the DNI and the NIC into OMB (under DD/M), eliminate 70% of CIA, DIA, NGA, NRO, and NSA, consolidate the 30% worth saving at an expanded Classified Intelligence Agency, and have the Open Source Agency as a direct report to the President under DD/M for housekeeping. Absent such draconian changes, the US IC will continue to be not just worthless, but toxic.

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