#GoogleGestapo: Conservative Starts New Social Media Site After Facebook Blocks Tens Of Millions From His Posts

Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency

Conservative Starts New Social Media Site After Facebook Blocks Tens Of Millions From His Posts

“Facebook blocks more than 98% of my reach,” said Andrew. “That means 4.9 million people per month are missing. Facebook increased censorship after President Trump was elected.”

Instead of communicating to 5 million people per month as in 2016, Facebook showed Andrew’s posts to 97,685 people last month. Andrew has almost half a million followers.

“Facebook’s censorship caused millions of fewer people to follow God and strengthen their families, a financial loss of donations likely in the millions of dollars and a reduction in communicating with millions of more people by email and our website,” he said. “Facebook is anti-American, since they censor those who believe like the founders.”

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