Mongoose: The global trace-and-track regime

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Corruption, Education, Knowledge, Science, Software

Michelle Malkin warns ‘the conspiracy is real'

The Biden administration's vaccine passport scheme is just the teeny-tiny tip of a massive privacy invasion iceberg. A year ago this week, I began chronicling the worldwide weaponization of COVID-19 by big government and big business to trace and track the health data of untold hundreds of millions of human beings. Let's review.

In March 2020, Singapore unleashed a Bluetooth app called “TraceTogether” on Google Play and the Apple Store to track people who tested positive for coronavirus and notify others through their cellphones. For those who argue that participation is completely “voluntary,” bear in mind that Singapore functions as a high-tech dictatorship where refusal to comply with stay-at-home orders and refusal to share GPS location data with health bureaucrats are criminal offenses subject to six months' imprisonment and/or a $10,000 fine.

Read full article HERE

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