SchwartzReport: Treason within USA Elections — From Nixon Killing 20,000 in Viet-Nam to Florida and Ohio to Karl Rove’s Nine Ways and Twelve Amigos

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military

Why Anonymous’ Claims about Election-Rigging Can’t Be Ignored

As laid out in the previous article, Anonymous, Karl Rove and the 2012 Election Fix?, it’s possible that Karl Rove used SmartTECH’s servers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to flip the vote totals in Ohio in 2004 and thus steal the election that year for George W. Bush – and just as possible that he tried to do the same thing this year on Romney’s behalf but was thwarted by the hacktivist group Anonymous.

Many people have responded to these claims with a variation on: “That’s impossible. A presidential candidate committing treason?  That would never happen, and, if it did, it would be front-page news.  Everybody would know about it, right?”


Consider some simple history.

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Phi Beta Iota:  It is helpful, as we begin the era of transparency, truth and — eventually — trust, to reflect on political crimes against humanity within the USA. [For the record, while we admire what Anonymous strives to do, we are not Anonymous and we are committed to Truth & Reconciliation in public (full immunity for truth about the past), not to sabotage and confrontation behind the scenes.]  The manipulation of elections through both vote rigging and direct interference in foreign affairs has been a constant since Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger sabotaged the Paris Peace Talks.  The direct outcome of their treason was the death of an additional 20,000 US citizens fighting in Viet-Nam.  Other examples are given.  Very strangely, the article does not mention the two books by Greg Palast, listed below.  Not so strangely, but relevant to evaluating the legitimacy of any government, is the murder of US presidents and civil rights leaders and investigative reporters and Marine Corps Colonels such as Col James Sabow, USMC (RIP), murdered at El Toro, with the complicity of then serving Commandants, Assistant Commandants, and later their successors, because he was going to blow the whistle on CIA drug-running on military aircraft.  JFK was assassinated by a melange that included elements of the CIA (not necessarily the leadership); Martin Luther King was assassinated by order of J. Edgar Hoover utilizing an Army sniper seconded to the FBI for that purpose  — today we have many suspicious “suicides” that are not honorably investigated, with Col Ted Westhusing, USA (RIP) in Iraq being the most recent that demands proper investigation.  Add to that the trail of bodies behind Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Bush Cartel, and many others — the airplane crashes that killed John Tower and Paul Wellstone, for example — and you have conclusive evidence that the USA is neither a democracy nor in any possible way committed to the rule of law.  Law is for the little people, to keep them in line.  Law for the rich and the their political servant class?  “We don't need no stinkin' law, we ARE the law.”  ENOUGH!

See Also:

James W. Douglass,  JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters (Touchstone, 2010)

Greg Palast,  Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps (Seven Stories Press, 2012)

Greg Palast, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (Plume, 2004)

William F. Pepper,  An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King (Verso, 2003)

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