It is clear from this evidence that all three branches of the American Federal government are controlled by the Virtual Corporate States, and their associated lesser baronies. Click through to see the voting record of each Justice. It makes the reality of the Supreme Court and its take over by corporatists very clear.
Supreme Court Ruled In Favor Of The Nation’s Top Corporate Interest Group In 7 Of 8 Cases This Term
IAN MILLHISER – Think Progress
Phi Beta Iota: The two-party tyranny and the abdication by Congress of its Article 1 responsibilities has been capped by the corruption of the Supreme Court by the US Chamber of Commerce and a quarter century campaign to corrupt the law entire, led by Justice Lewis Powell. All three branches of the US Government have been bribed, at the political and senior levels, to serve the 1%, not the 99%.
See Also:
Justice Powell @ Phi Beta Iota
Two-Party Tyranny @ Phi Beta Iota