When a so-called “all source” intelligence community willfully ignores 80% of the relevant information in 183 languages we do not understand, this kind of heroic management slight of head and hand is mandatory. It is also treason, a betrayal of the public trust.
Graphic: Intelligence Leadership
Leadership-IntegrityWith a tip of the hat to the Association for Information Professionals (AFIO), here is the single most relevant and accurate view of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and that worthy good person's lack of authority over the mess that is now costing the U.S. taxpayer no less than $65 billion a year and probably closer to $75 billion a year.
Graphic: Analytic Tool-Kit in the Cloud
Analysis, ICT-IT, Innovation, Leadership-Integrity, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceThis graphic was created when Bill Ruh briefed the CISCO Application Oriented Network (AON) around town, and we all realized that CATALYST (Computer-Aided Tools for the Analysis of Science & Technology) as defined by Diane Webb and Dennis McCormick under the leadership of Gordon Oehler, could now reside in the cloud. When combined with the TOOZL offering of STRONG ANGEL, it is clear there is no impediment to what the Swedes call Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sesne-Making (M4IS2) other than leadership ignorance and leadership lack of integrity.
Graphic: Medard Gabel’s Cost of Peace versus War
Citizen-Centered, Earth Orientation, Policies-Harmonization, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceMedard Gabel, #2 to Buckminster Fuller in creating the analog World Game, is the creator of the EarthGame, trademarked in his name and the foundation for the Earth Intelligence Network vision of creating a World Brain that allows for 24/7 panarshy–all minds, all information, all the time. Visit Medard at his logo on the left. Read his high-level summary of how inexpensively he can create the EarthGame at Frog right.
Graphic: 24/7 Participatory Budget-Policy
Advanced Cyber/IO, Citizen-Centered, ICT-IT, Innovation, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Reform, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceCreated by and the exclusive intellectual property of Robert Steele, shared under Creative Commons commrcial exploitation forbidden.
Graphic: Public Trust and Finance Network
Advanced Cyber/IO, Citizen-CenteredOriginal to and the exclusive intellectual property of Robert Steele, shared under Creative Commons no commercial exploitation, with credit to Joe Trippi, Joe Costello, and Zephy Teach-Out, the true originals who changed democracy forever.
Graphic: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) J-2 Central
Capabilities-Force Structure, Collection, Innovation, Languages-Translation, Multinational Plus, Reform, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceThis is a variation of the Human Intelligence (HUMINT) graphic greated in Sweden, one that shows the J-2 for a region, in this case AFRICOM, being central to the provision of leadership across all of the aspects of HUMINT represented within DoD and the rest of government, all of them largely “out of control” right now.