Graphic: Strategic Analytic Matrix

Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Citizen-Centered, Leadership-Integrity, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats
Strategic Analytic Matrix
Strategic Analytic Matrix

This is a very straight-forward matrix that is not in use by any intelligence community we know of, and that would be incomprehensive to any policy maker for the simple reason that they do not think in holistic terms–they are all stove-piped by issue and blind-folded by time and place.

Lee Kuan Yew, Minister Mentor of Singapore, has it right: the family is the core foundation for national and cultural power over time, and the USA has trashed the family with virtually every single policy at every level in the past fifty years.

Energy and Immigration bracket the family, and we use them to illustrate how other policies impact.  Bad energy policy and bad immigration policy destroys neighborhoods, jobs, and local tax bases that fund education.  It is all connected and no one in Washington is paying attention to the destruction of the family.

Graphic: Reality 101 Reading Areas

History, Leadership-Integrity, Strategy-Holistic Coherence
Reading Areas
Reading Areas

Most policy makers are very poorly read and life a life, to quote Madeline Albright, as “gerbils on a wheel.”  The ignorance, bias, and helplessness of good people in a bad system cannot be exaggerated.  The U.S. Government specifically is not trained, equipped, or organized to “do” intelligence (decision-support) across all topics leveraging all information in all languages all the time.

Graphic: Africa Ethnographic


Africa Ethno JPEGThis extraordinary map is the best we have been able to find on the natural ethnographic boundaries in Africa that are long overdue for respect and restoration in a massive continent-wide truth & reconciliation endeavor that could be led by the African Union.

Before Africa can engage predatory foreign elements it must first restore its own historical and cultural coherence.

Graphic: Africa Three Views

Africa Views
Africa Views

This graphic combines Africa's natural ethnographic distribution in comparison with the imposed colonial spheres of influence and the comparative relative size maps for China, Europe, and the UNSA combined.

Graphic: Africa in Perspective

Africa in Perspective
Africa in Perspective

Again with a tip of the hat to the originator credited in the fine print.  We have spent so much time looting Africa we have failed to realize that it could well be the engine for our salvation, along with Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and Russia.