Today’s Steele Report

Steele Report

For Monday 27 July 2020 the Trump Administration is rated Orange for the Campaign and the White House, and Yellow for Message, Economy, Society, and Zionism. Eight topics are briefly addressed: protests and police; the corruption of language and society by design; the looming US and global food crisis; ten day plan for slamming fake pandemic lies; new lawsuits against ADL for defamation; Democratic split ticket by 16 September; Israel rather than China as the leading thief of US intellectual property; and weather warfare.

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The Steele Report Questions for Saturday – Subscribe If You Want To Hear Answers!

Steele Report

Below are the questions I will answer tomorrow at The Steele  Report.

Subscribers get to ask questions each week that are always answered.

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1. Why wouldn't china now use supersonic torpedos on our carriers @ Tiawon & EMP on the US preceeding a red dawn invassion to take our land? Any or all nukes actually operational?

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The Steele Report Topics Today

Steele Report

New: color-coded evaluation of Trump Administration across six aspects. I am covering the following topics today.

  • 5D Chess — what are the five levels being played?
  • Implications of Extraterrestrial Disclosure
  • Earth – the Needed Purge of Satanists and Pedophiles
  • Web 3.0: Application of War Powers to Smash #Google Gestapo by 1 SEP
  • Trump Alone — Stabbed in the Back by Parscale, Kushner, & the GOP

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#UNRIG: Election Reform Act of 2020: A Citizen’s Guide to Achieving Democracy with Integrity (Trump Revolution Book 54)

Books w/Steele
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#1 New Release in Urban, State & Local Government Law

70% of all eligible voters are disenfranchised — shut off from the possibility of being elected to any federal or state office, or having their vote count. The two-party tyranny — one bird, two wings, same crap — is a front for the Deep State. The GOP is explicitly betraying the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, at the same time that it colludes with the Democratic National Committee to put forward a senile white person and a token black person as tools of the Deep State.

There is nothing wrong with America the Beautiful that cannot be fixed and fixed quick by putting ALL of our citizens back into the process of public self governance.

Continue reading “#UNRIG: Election Reform Act of 2020: A Citizen’s Guide to Achieving Democracy with Integrity (Trump Revolution Book 54)”