THE STEELE REPORT Preview (Video Tomorrow, Text Monday)

Steele Report

I am working on the text report for Monday, here is what is in it so far:

  • What I am hearing on the economic re-set and when it might happen
  • Anna von  Reitz vs. Russell Jay Gould
  • The end of Zionism in the USA – why I am drawing the line here and now
  • #UNRIG electoral reform act update – and Cynthia McKinny in DC 20-24 July
  • My final object: the integrated reform of education, intelligence, research

Subecribe to access / ask questions:

Below the fold are the questions we have in hand for tomorrow's video.

Continue reading “THE STEELE REPORT Preview (Video Tomorrow, Text Monday)”


Steele Report

This week (today) Robert discusses The President’s 4th of July Speech; What Authentic Blacks Like Bob Woodson Are Saying; Mike Flynn’s Oath and the Potential of Mike Flynn; The Zionist Gorilla in Election 2020 – It Cannot Be Ignored; Is Justice Roberts Compromised? Was Justice Scalia Murdered?; Was the Founding of America Completely Faked by the Freemasons?; Will New Hybrid Forms of Governance Emerge?; Will We Impose the Rule of Law on Social Media in Time for the Election?; Is President Trump Being Betrayed by the Republican Party? What Can He Do?; and When Will the Truth About COVID-19 – a Fake Pandemic – Be Obvious to the Public?

The Steele Report: $11/Month ($99/Year) – Text Mondays, Video Saturdays

THE STEELE REPORT: Questions to Be Answered Saturday — and Seeking Topics for Monday Report

Steele Report

Arugah. Below the fold are the questions I will answer on video Saturday at 1 pm Eastern, I will do these in 30 minutes and then do impromptu questions via chat for the second thirty minutes. Sign up at The Steele Report if you wish.  Those enjoying the 4th will find the private video archived forever at The Steele Report. We have a form for subscribers to shape both the Monday text report and the Saturday video engagement.  Subscribe if you wish to influence, and thank you — earnings keep PBI free.

Continue reading “THE STEELE REPORT: Questions to Be Answered Saturday — and Seeking Topics for Monday Report”