Mirror: William Cooper – One World Order Discussion

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Here, in his best interview of all time, covering exactly what was going on in 1990 (Iraq/Kuwait war) all the way to what he foresaw to be the future of America… and we are there. It is said that, after many years of blowing the whistle, he committed “suicide by FBI”: they came for him on his property, he was taken out but not without taken a few of them out himself.
Alert Reader adds: The most awake person I have run across. He had Q level clearance, he knows a lot. He explains his knowledge of extraterrestrials, his knowledge that the CIA had Kennedy murdered and Oswald framed, how Bush practiced magic and was into satanic rituals and he explains that the plan of depopulating the world. So much more. One of the absolute best two hour interviews you will come across that can connect a lot of dots. This is a rare video, please share this as it can help so many understand. It doesn't matter if you are down that rabbit hole or thinking about entering, this is good for everyone. ***This is a MUST SEE. We the people need to wake up because where we go one, we go all.

The Steele Report: Grades & Topics Today

Steele Report
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Robert grades GREEN across the board for White House, Message, Economy, Society, and UK/Israel. He addresses these topics:

  • ARISE USA Insider Information Not Being Published
  • My Best Guess on Near Future of Trump, COVID, and Hate Speech
  • Are DNC & GOP Going to Be Exterminated by 2022? Fight for $15 Could Help
  • My Vision for the West as Catalyst for Restoring Family Farms and Freedom


Questions Answered in Video Webinars

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The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

Steele Report
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2018 Talk You gave a talk in 2018 to Democrats, It was excellent, would love to see that shared in more directions (cannot find it again)

3 Gorges Dam Has Juan or anyone given you any intel about 3 Gorges Dam collapse by white hats? Seems like it could kill millions of people

AF 1 Not Biden There is a guy that follows all military flights around the world called Monkeywerks and he says since election Biden’s plane is not called Air force One- comments?

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