The Steele Report: Monday Text Contents

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Robert rated Campaign and Zionism in the Green, White House, Message, Economy, and Society Yellow. In this week's text report he discusses Aliens, Alien Technology, Mind-Control; The Battle of the Global Giants – World Economic Forum versus the Elders; October Surprises – Five Aces in the President’s Hand; 5G Is Still a Threat and Directed Energy Can Vaporize Bodies as Well as Start Fires; The Potential Food Crisis – Need Six Months to Avert; Sheriffs & Pastors – Concept for a Bottom-Up Self-Governing America.

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The Steele Report: Today’s Ratings & Topics

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Today Robert rates as Green the Campaign, Society, and Zionism, with Yellow for White House, Message, and Economy (and a warning of Orange for the Economy). He addresses the following topics:The looming food crisis in the USA – with fake pandemic and weather war aspects;Weather war against China and the USA – who is doing it and why?;Sandy Hook revisited – pedophilia town, class action donor lawsuit?;Have we started separating the Christian Evangelicals from the Zionists?;COVID-10 – could media and medical mass murder charges be brought?; American Insanity – How Do We Deal with Mass Derangement?;NESARA-GESARA – what are the possibilities before Election Day?

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The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today at 1 PM Eastern (1300)

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1. What is a good way to submit reports on wrong doing to the federal authorities without it being mishandled but resolved in the correct way?

2. Are you still confident that DT has a handle on the mail-in voting issue and will make it a non issue before the ballots are out?

3. Loved your interview with the two Charlies. What are your general thoughts on their credibility?

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The Steele Report: Today’s Ratings & Topics

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In today's report Robert rates Campaign, White House, and Economy as Yellow, Message, Society, and Zionism as Green.  He covers the following topics:  5G Ascension – the Ishtar Series as Fundamental Orientation – Become the New Human;  Has Bill Gates been flipped by Donald Trump?;      My take on the two presidential conventions;  Why Q Anon matters – preventing civil war with white militia discipline; Winding down the fake pandemic —  the truth is emergent; Have state-sponsored criminals been re-labeled enemy combatants? Implications of this? The future of work – local, digital, Open Source Everything Engineering possibilities; Has the dismantling of Zionist control of Christian Evangelicals begun?

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The Steele Report (Text) Summary

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Today's report rates GREEN for White House, Message, Economy, Society, and Zionism, and YELLOW for Campaign.  A RESTRICTED video not allowed on YouTube is introduced with supporting book reviews and a supporting post.

The following are addressed in the main body of the document:

  • Q Anon – real or not real – my appraisal
  • Jews, Zionists, and Russian Criminals – has the time come for a counterintelligence purge?
  • Mark Steele on the 5G Threat and Claims of 5G Conversion into Benign Tesla Towers
  • Appraisal of the Pre-Conditions for Revolution Existing in the USA Today
  • What Is To Be Done? Is Trump Doing What Needs To Be Done?

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