Help Sought: Need $2,500 for Web Services & Computer Updates

Robert David STEELE Vivas

Help if you can.  Defending the web sites now requires a 24/7 webmaster on retainer, and it is working. The database needs to be upgraded, doubling in price. because PBI is a reference web site with over 25,000 posts and close to 40,000 images, all on 100% recall, nothing is archived. Thank you for anything you can do.  I continue to march and I believe that 2019-2020 will see us advance on three fronts: truth channel, #UNRIG election integrity (not the mockery that Democrats have proposded with HR 1), and exposing elite pedophilia & Satanism.

Send email for mail address or Coinbase (BitCoin, Ethereum) donations:

robert.david.steele.vivas AT gmail DOT com will remain free with no ads, always. My life's work remains free online at We will enhance,, and as funds become available.

I am considering a new subscription service, a Public Daily Brief, similar to the President's Daily Brief but better because it is holistic and can be shared. Here is a sample (below). Would this be worth $11 a month?

Offers three services:

01 a pre-screened database of truthful results covering threats, policies, and countries, that can be searched

02 a daily “dashboard” for hits on 10 threats, 12 policies, 8 countries (generally three each for a total of 90 hits

03 my weekly summary that had over 6,000 subscribers until my overseas analyst died with no heirs and took my investment with him.


Email me your thoughts, please.

Event(s): Arno Reuser Open Source Intelligence Training

Arno Reuser

The OSINT Pathfinder programme aims to share with delegates a systematic, planned and structured methodology to do in-depth research in open source information to produce actionable intelligence to assist decision makers in the decision making process.

At the end of the training, delegates will have a full set of new capabilities, techniques and tools to do in-depth investigative research in open sources on the Internet as well as in non-Internet sources.

    • OSINT Pathfinder XXI : 16-18- Apr 2019
    • OSINT Pathfinder XXII : 27-29 Aug 2019
    • OSINT Pathfinder XXIII : 10-12 Dec 2019

What you will learn

Continue reading “Event(s): Arno Reuser Open Source Intelligence Training”

Zapped! PBI Specifically Targeted, We Have Left DreamHost


Our site was disabled yesterday by an attack aimed only at us.

DreamHost was not able to prevent it.  We have left DreamHost. Next time it will take less than ten minutes to recover, if they succeed at all.

We stand with all Jews who believe that Zionism as now practiced — apartheid and genocidal — disgraces all Jews.

If you would like to donate to keep this free website online, we would welcome donations, to be spent on normal expenses (no salaries).

Donate via

Donations Sought End of Year Tax Deductible

Robert David STEELE Vivas

EIN is an educational non-profit (501c3) that sponsors two free blogs, one mature (Phi Beta Iota) and one emergent (Alt-Gov.Net).

Seeking funds for accountant (tax return compliance is no longer comprehensible to nor achievable by a normal person), expenses related to the creation of, and travel.

A grant to On the Issues will be made if a sufficiency of funds are donated, we want Jesse Gordon to be able to compare cabinet candidates not just presidential candidates, and to show true costs of issue policy positions — we are not going to reinvent the wheel, On the Issues is the best place to do this. [It will be easier to get Jesse to consider these ideas if the grant comes through us — of course I encourage direct donations to him as well.]

EIN financial details below the fold.

Continue reading “Donations Sought End of Year Tax Deductible”