This graphic was created when Bill Ruh briefed the CISCO Application Oriented Network (AON) around town, and we all realized that CATALYST (Computer-Aided Tools for the Analysis of Science & Technology) as defined by Diane Webb and Dennis McCormick under the leadership of Gordon Oehler, could now reside in the cloud. When combined with the TOOZL offering of STRONG ANGEL, it is clear there is no impediment to what the Swedes call Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sesne-Making (M4IS2) other than leadership ignorance and leadership lack of integrity.
Graphic: 24/7 Participatory Budget-Policy
Advanced Cyber/IO, Citizen-Centered, ICT-IT, Innovation, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Reform, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceCreated by and the exclusive intellectual property of Robert Steele, shared under Creative Commons commrcial exploitation forbidden.
Graphic: Missing Information
Advanced Cyber/IO, Collection, ICT-ITThe bulk of this slide was created by Stephen E. Arnold and included in his chapter on search engines (over 75 of them). Robert Steele added the Google manipulation of what you see based on the published analytic studies by Arnold with respect to Google.
Graphic: The Four Quadrants of Knowledge
Citizen-Centered, Collection, ICT-IT, Innovation, Processing, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceThis was inspired by Harold Wilenski's book, Organizational Intelligence (Knowledge and Policy in Government and Industry), and Robert Steele's growing awareness that what passes for “Knowledge Management” is nothing more than internal data mining. Augmented by an understanding of collaboration networks and by the growing but still immature field of commercial intelligence, the chart took shape rather quickly.
Not anticipated, but now consistent with both the strategic direction of the Earth Intelligence Network, and the reality of how cell phones rather than laptops are the device of choice for the poor, was the seminal role of the cell phone as the device of choice for achieving organizational intelligence.
It can be useful placed side by side with Nova Spivak's Meta-Web illustration to see a convergence of the technical-centered (Spivak) and the human-centered (Steele).
Graphic: Regional Information-Sharing and Sense-Making Centre
Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Capabilities-Force Structure, Collection, ICT-IT, Innovation, Languages-Translation, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, TribesThis is a basic regional centre that would initially work exclusively with open sources of information, but could, as trust and mutual intersts coincide, extend to do focused clandestine and covert actions, for example, against transnational criminal gangs, corrupt government officials and predatory corporate officials that loot commonwealths by bribing single officials at key points.
Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Cube
Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Balance, ICT-IT, Innovation, Processing, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceThis is a way of looking at Information Operations (IO) in an integrated fashion. It is not possible to be effective at IO (of which all-source intelligence less than 10% of the total) or at governance at any level (global to local) without a holistic appreciation of all forms of knowledge.
Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Eras
Advanced Cyber/IO, ICT-IT, Innovation, Leadership-Integrity, Processing, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceCol Dr. Max Manwaring defined the first six generations of warfare, Robert Steele converted those to information operaitons (IO) eras, and added the 7th era, which is easiy to achieve with leadership integrity, virtually impossible to achieve as long as any government persists in retaining legacy systems that are stovepipes within stovepipes surrounded by security and legal and personality strait-jackets from earlier eras and totally ignorant of modern possibilities.