ORIGINAL (Expandable to Read Discipline & Sub-Discipline Titles)
Graphic: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) 102 (Right Way)
Advanced Cyber/IO, Citizen-Centered, Leadership-Integrity, Reform
Charles Hampden-Turner’s book RADICAL MAN: The Process of Psycho-Social Development, remains one of the most important works with respect to making the most of our one inexhausible resource, the human brain. Below are covers of the book in both editions, with links to the Amazon page for each
Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Eras
Advanced Cyber/IO, ICT-IT, Innovation, Leadership-Integrity, Processing, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceCol Dr. Max Manwaring defined the first six generations of warfare, Robert Steele converted those to information operaitons (IO) eras, and added the 7th era, which is easiy to achieve with leadership integrity, virtually impossible to achieve as long as any government persists in retaining legacy systems that are stovepipes within stovepipes surrounded by security and legal and personality strait-jackets from earlier eras and totally ignorant of modern possibilities.
Graphic: Integrity in All Respects
Advanced Cyber/IO, Leadership-IntegrityThe lack of leadership integrity, combined with the information asymmetries and data pathologies that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is culturally and intellectually unable to address, leave the U.S. Government operating on 2% of the relevant information, providing the President with 4%, “at best” according to General Tony Zinni, USMC (Ret) of what he needs, and providing nothing of substantive value to all of the other Cabinet officers, all of the Action Offices from Assistant Secretary on down, and all of the Congressional jurisdictions.
The USA is a “stupid nation” rather than a “smart nation,” and that can be easily fixed with just one word: INTEGRITY.
Graphic: Strategic Analytic Matrix
Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Citizen-Centered, Leadership-Integrity, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, ThreatsThis is a very straight-forward matrix that is not in use by any intelligence community we know of, and that would be incomprehensive to any policy maker for the simple reason that they do not think in holistic terms–they are all stove-piped by issue and blind-folded by time and place.
Lee Kuan Yew, Minister Mentor of Singapore, has it right: the family is the core foundation for national and cultural power over time, and the USA has trashed the family with virtually every single policy at every level in the past fifty years.
Energy and Immigration bracket the family, and we use them to illustrate how other policies impact. Bad energy policy and bad immigration policy destroys neighborhoods, jobs, and local tax bases that fund education. It is all connected and no one in Washington is paying attention to the destruction of the family.
Graphic: Reality 101 Reading Areas
History, Leadership-Integrity, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceMost policy makers are very poorly read and life a life, to quote Madeline Albright, as “gerbils on a wheel.” The ignorance, bias, and helplessness of good people in a bad system cannot be exaggerated. The U.S. Government specifically is not trained, equipped, or organized to “do” intelligence (decision-support) across all topics leveraging all information in all languages all the time.
Graphic: Dumber, Blunder, & Plunder
Leadership-IntegrityThis is what happens to the taxpayer dollar when they stop demanding free and fair elections instead of the current two-party tyranny farce that we have; and when they fail to keep their elected “representatives” honest. For decades now both the Senate and the House have lacked integrity and consistently voted in favor of the special interests that pay them instead of the voters that elected them. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is the government manifestation of what we are now calling Public Intelligence, which is the actualization of Collective Intelligence.