Pioneered by LtCol Beavers and others in Bosnia, this remains the single most brilliant depiction of what all of our inter-agency task force networks should like like. This is not rocket science, it just requires integrity, intelligence, and imagination on the part of each Commander.
Graphic: OSINT Global Pyramid from OSIS-X to Intelink-X
Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Collection, Earth Orientation, ICT-IT, Innovation, Leadership-Integrity, Multinational Plus, Processing, Reform, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceThis remains the intellectual property of Robert Steele and is the core concept for ultimately creating a World Brain and EarthGame that engage all human minds and connect all humans to all information in all languages all the time.
Both the Open Source Information System – External (OSIS-X) and Intelink – X will be United Nations “virtual clouds” that achieve a degree of assured security that is good enough through to the secret level, and thus able to engage all in what the Swedes call Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2).
Graphic: OSINT Baseball
Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Citizen-Centered, Innovation, Reform, Strategy-Holistic Coherence
Inspired by Steve Denning, former Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) of the World Bank, this graphic tells the story of OSINT in contrast to the traditional disciplines.
The text:
Still today, here's how the secret world plays the game:
HUMINT recruits a player to drop or catch the ball on command, but communications are so slow they inevitably screw it up.
SIGINT has listening devices in the dug-out, and tries to call the game from what is said there.
IMINT used to take an image of the field every three days, now they have a drone overhead and if they don't like the look of things, put a drone into the crowd (missing the umpire, who was the target).
MASINT tries to sniff the ball leaving the glove, and when that fails asks for billions more.
OSINT uses Twitter to both follow the score and compile impressions of each player–it's called crowd-soourcing.
Graphic: Four National Reforms
Advanced Cyber/IO, Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Leadership-Integrity, Reform, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceSee Also:
2008 Election 2008 Chapter: The Substance of Governance
2002 Robert Steele: Citizen in Search of Integrity (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
1995 GIQ 13/2 Creating a Smart Nation: Strategy, Policy, Intelligence, and Information
1992 E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, & intelligence (An Alternative Paradigm)
Graphic: Elements of Intelligence
Analysis, Collection, Leadership-Integrity, Processing, Reform, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceGraphic: OSINT Support to Four Levels of Analysis
Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Balance, Innovation, Leadership-Integrity, Multinational Plus, Reform, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceThis is the slide that grabbed General Peter Schoomaker, USA (Ret), the ONLY Army flag officer that has ever understood OSINT in detail. General Schoomaker's intelligence and integrity are the sole reason the U.S. Government has today exactly ONE serious OSINT capability as represented by J-23 at the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Everything else is fluff, lip service, and broken promises.