Charles Hugh Smith: How Nations Fail

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence

How Nations Fail: Elites See No Reason to Sacrifice Anything

If we don't understand how complex social systems such as nation-states lose stability and fail, then we can't possibly know how to fix what's broken, i.e. design a replacement system that re-establishes stability and maintains in via dynamic homeostasis, the same model embedded in ecosystems and organisms.

The 2013 book “Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty” discusses the differences between failed states and successful states, and concludes that the failed states are fundamentally kleptocracies that answer to a self-serving elite while successful states are answerable to the broad populace.


Caitlin Johnstone: What If The Big Reveal Already Happened?

Cultural Intelligence, Government

What If The Big Reveal Already Happened?

Do you remember how there was global outrage after the Panama Papers exposed a massive international tax evasion scheme involving many high-profile wealthy elites, leading to mass incarcerations and sweeping overhauls to the world’s taxation and legal systems?


How about the huge scandal when it was revealed that the CIA unilaterally funds its own clandestine operations via secret drug trafficking programs to circumvent the oversight of elected bodies, leading to the dismantling and disbanding of the entire CIA? Or the time WikiLeaks exposed war crimes leading to tribunals at The Hague and a complete restructuring of the US military? Or all the criminal investigations and paradigm-shattering arrests after we learned that powerful intelligence agencies have been using child sex slaves to manipulate our society via blackmail?

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David Lifshultz: The Second American Revolution?

Cultural Intelligence

The Second American Revolution
The following essay discusses the concept of BBB or build back better after the great destruction that has been delivered to the economies of the world by lockdowns. The plan is to create a reset or a better economy after this destruction. First of all, this was a preplanned effort to demolish the world economy for the purpose of the reset and really has nothing to do with the so-called coronavirus which is basically the influenza virus that has totally disappeared replaced with a propaganda fiction called coronavirus that in itself has never been isolated or proven.

The PCR test is a fraud in that it created hundreds of millions if not billions of positives though it was known this would happen based on the number of cycles used above 35 would create false positives in over 95% of the cases.  If we had given this test in 2019, the results would have been about the same as today and we could have had the coronavirus then. Our intelligence sources say this was planned in 2019 for the reset though it was being considered for a while before that.  The true world death rates is about the same.

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Mike Adams: Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged negative COVID-19 vaccine side effects

Cultural Intelligence

Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions

Facebook has removed a popular, rapidly growing group where members would post stories about alleged negative COVID-19 vaccine side effects.

The group, “COVID19 VACCINE VICTIMS AND FAMILIES,” had over 120,000 followers when it was shut down and had been gaining more than 10,000 followers per week.

The shutdown of the page follows Facebook introducing a ban on a wide range of claims about the coronavirus vaccine in February. The list of prohibited claims includes claims that the vaccines cause blood clots and claims that the coronavirus vaccine change people’s DNA (something that even Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told Facebook staff during a July 2020 internal meeting).

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