Pia Hellertz, PhD: Could the Moon Landing Have Been a Hoax? NO!

Extraterrestial Intelligence

There seems to be things on the Moon that NASA does not want us people to know – so they are lying to us – and have good help from people who either supports NASA, and says it is a “hoax”, or has not done their own research. The truth about the Moon mission is, according to my opinion, as important to expose as exposing 911, the murder of JFK and other big lies.

YES. We did land on the Moon.  YES, there are images that suggest a hoax, but they were created on Earth precisely to support the hoax theory and should not be confused with actual landing images many of which are not public.

Here I offer a few thoughts rooted in my background as a Swedish PhD.

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Robert Steele: An extraterrestrial History Worth Reading? UPDATE 2

Extraterrestial Intelligence

ROBERT STEELE: I was invited to travel to France in late December to meet an alleged extraterrestrial resident on earth. I left with my mind still open but not at all convinced. There are possibilities here, and I feel compelled to share this story with all those who think anything at all of my ability to think in the public interest. I am interested in what all of you  think about this. One person I know who follows extraterrestrial and secret space program matters considers this legitimate. There is one Internet reference that I know of: Ummites. At the end of this post is a comment from an Alert Reader who is in my view a real savant.

PDF (10 Pages):  Saga Dookhaia_en_ok

Full Text with Graphics Below the Fold

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Fred Burks: New York Times Says Air Force, CIA Covered Up Reality of UFOs Major Media Shift in Stance on UFOs

Extraterrestial Intelligence

New York Times Says Air Force, CIA Covered Up Reality of UFOs

Major Media Shift in Stance on UFOs

“When Blue Book closed in late 1969, the Air Force flatly lied to the American people, issuing a fact sheet claiming that no U.F.O. had ever been a threat to national security.”

~~  New York Times article exposing CIA, US Air Force debunking of UFOs, 1/15/2019

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Steven Aftergood: DIA Gaslighting? UFO “Research” for Corrupt Senator Harry Reid’s Favored Constituent?

Extraterrestial Intelligence
Steven Aftergood

More Light on Black Program to Track UFOs

The Defense Intelligence Agency disclosed this week that it had funded research on warp drive, invisibility cloaking, and other areas of fringe or speculative science and engineering as part of a now-defunct program to track and identify threats from space.

From 2007 to 2012, the DIA spent $22 million on the activity, formally known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. It was apparently initiated at the behest of then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, with most of the funding directed to a Nevada constituent of his. See “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program” by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean, New York Times, December 16, 2017.

Continue reading “Steven Aftergood: DIA Gaslighting? UFO “Research” for Corrupt Senator Harry Reid's Favored Constituent?”