Steven Aftergood: CRS on Peace Treaty with North Korea

Peace Intelligence
Steven Aftergood

A Peace Treaty with North Korea?, & More from CRS

In the past 25 years, there have been multiple failed attempts to negotiate a peace treaty or a non-aggression pact with North Korea and to formally end the Korean War.

A new report from the Congressional Research Service surveys these efforts with an eye toward the upcoming Trump-Kim summit and current initiatives aimed at North Korean “denuclearization” and a final peace treaty. See A Peace Treaty with North Korea?, April 19, 2018.

Alert Reader: How 9/11 Truthers Helped Me “See” the Deep State

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

He is Risen, within the We.  Alert Reader says:

I became aware of many holes in the 911 narrative in 2002, listening to Thierry Meyssan, a French journalist who was on public TV and openly stated: “Where is the debris? Where is the fuselage of the plane that hit Pentagon? Why haven't we seen any of the videos? If there is one place in the world that is under surveillance 24/7, it has to be Pentagon; and yet… no video?” I heard him and it was compelling.  Nice, sweet, smiling, composed and… effective! On public TV.  He was never invited back.

Shortly thereafter, and according to his own words, he was contacted by the French intelligence, interrogated and released and subsequently informed by Russia that he needed to leave France a.s.a.p. if he wanted to remain alive.

Continue reading “Alert Reader: How 9/11 Truthers Helped Me “See” the Deep State”

Owl: Trump Did It Again – The Real Story on Syria False Flag – Missile Attack II

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?

Yes! Trump did it Again! And a Disinfo Op Uncovered! #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Phi Beta Iota: Hugely good job of collating past and present information.  Trump split the EU, isolated Germany, and collaborated with Russia and Syria to set stage for US withdrawal.  Superb screen shots from Q et al.  Worthy of a close read by every citizen.

Mongoose: Jews Good Zionists Bad — a Rabbi Says..

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

See Also:

Zionism in America: Seven Strikes & Counting

Is Zionism Over? From Korea to Syria to the Latest #GoogleGestapo Purge, President Donald Trump’s Divorce from Zionism Appears Increasingly Possible

Next year in Jerusalem….without the Zionists!

Donald Trump: We Are Leaving Syria

Peace Intelligence
President Donald Trump

Trump’s Syria withdrawal plan: Arab occupational force and Arabs will pay for it – report

Phi Beta Iota: Robert Steele nailed it on Korea months before crap news media; Syria is next. Then domestic purge and financial reboot, perhaps with a debt jubilee, and finally the end of Zionism in America and  the end of US support for Zionist genocide against Palestine. It will take two terms but the tide has turned.