Robert Steele: White House Correspondence on Stopping WWIII

Peace Intelligence


Mr. President,

You were schlonged by the West Point Class of 1986 and the Zionists. Your in-laws were no help at all. Here is what one of my most important Pentagon sources told me yesterday:

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Soleimani was in Baghdad to ensure the Shiite Arabs demonstrating in front of the embassy did not carry weapons or harm any Americans. Inside Iran more than half the population is glad he’s gone, but now fears war with us is inevitable and will destroy Iran.

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DefDog: Just In From Pentagon Source – Major General Qassem Soleimani Was In Iraq To Disperse the Campers and Ensure no Tehran-style Embassy Take-Over Attempt

Peace Intelligence

Trusted US Military Source Says:

Soleimani was in Baghdad to ensure the Shiite Arabs demonstrating in front of the embassy did not carry weapons or harm any Americans. Inside Iran more than half the population is glad he’s gone, but now fears war with us is inevitable and will destroy Iran.

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DefDog: US to Be Expelled from Iraq, in Violation

Peace Intelligence

Iraqi PM Abdul-Mahdi: The attack is a breach of the deal that permits US presence in Iraq. Could require US to leave immediately… The Mahdi Army has been reactivated.

Iraq’s parliament could soon require the United States to exit Iraq immediately since if they confirm that the US has breach the SOF agreement. If the US does not leave, they will be there illegally and there will be no allies.

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Mongoose: Alert Reader on Satanic Endgame WWIII

Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

1. Iranians not terrorists, never had anything to do with ISIS, ISIL, Daesh and actually helped Syria fight them. Israel/America/City of London are the true terrorists. One time Gadhafi of Libya (while still alive) was interviewed by BBC as to what he would recommend be done to eliminate terrorism. He answered and said if a nuclear tipped cruise missile was sent to destroy the City of London (Business Section only), this would stop all terror. Hillary ordered that Libya be destroyed and Gadhafi executed. Why? Because Gadhafi was starting a new Rothschild independent gold back denarii money system for African nations and developing the world's largest irrigation system based on the mining of deep “primary” water which flows in excess all over the planet just like oil which is not a fossil fuel but a mineral in unlimited quantities.

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Phil Giraldi: The Soleimani Assassination: The Long-Awaited Beginning of The End of America’s Imperial Ambitions

Peace Intelligence

The Soleimani Assassination: The Long-Awaited Beginning of The End of America’s Imperial Ambitions

To justify its actions, Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense, went so far as to insist that “Iran is at war with the whole world,” a clear demonstration of just how ignorant the White House team actually is.

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