James Fetzer: William De Berg, The Pandemic That Wasn’t

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

Many have argued since its inception that COVID-19 was not the pandemic that governments and medical establishments and the media have led us to believe.    The COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in early March—still the best controlled COVID-19 data—was the first telling sign:  over 3000 passengers tested, 712 found COVID virus positive, 13 died.   The case-fatality rate of 1.8% was higher than for influenza but lower than for SARS or MERS.   But, limited medical treatments  were available during the ship outbreak and the median age of passengers was in the mid-60’s, so that the age-adjusted risk of COVID for the general population would be less than 0.05%–in the normal flu range.  Then, in October Genevieve Briand of Johns Hopkins published research (since retracted by the university) that showed there were no excess deaths in the United States in 2020, with most COVID death attributions the result of classifying other sources (principally heart disease) as COVID.

See his full article HERE

Stephen E. Arnold: Justice Thomas, Social Media, and Big Tech

11 Society, Corruption, Ethics, Government
Stephen E. Arnold

Are social-media platforms more akin to telephone carriers or to conference halls? SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas likens them to the former, we learn from “Justice Thomas Argues for Making Facebook, Twitter and Google Utilities” at Protocol. On the other hand, TechDirt makes a solid, though snarky, argument that social-media companies are more like venues that rent out conference space in, “Justice Thomas Goes Weird Again; Suggests Twitter Can’t Moderate & Section 230 Violates 1st Amendment.”

See full article HERE

Yoda: We, old-timers, remember it all. Maybe why they want us dead..

Corruption, Government

Alert reader writes in:

“Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the much older lady that she should bring her own grocery bags, because plastic bags are not good for the environment,.
The woman apologized to the young girl and explained, “We didn't have this ‘green thing' back in my earlier days.”
The young clerk responded, “That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations.” (more beneath fold)

Continue reading “Yoda: We, old-timers, remember it all. Maybe why they want us dead..”

Edwin Jewett: Pure, Unalloyed Evil

Corruption, Government

“If you wanted to depopulate a significant portion of the world, and to do it in a way that wouldn’t require destruction of the environment with nuclear weapons, or poisoning everyone with anthrax or something, And you wanted plausible deniability, whilst you had a multi-year infectious disease crisis; I don’t think you could come up with a better plan of work than what seems to be in from of me. I can’t say that’s what they’re going to do, but I cannot think of a benign explanation for why they are doing it.” (“Interview with Dr Mike Yeadon“, The Delingpole Podcast; Minute 44: 25)

See full article HERE

Berto Jongman: COLLECTIVE DECISIONMAKING as the #1 problem of today

Corruption, Government

Futurist.COM Founder Glen Hiemstra on 40 Years of Futurism: The Future is Something We Do

Glen Hiemstra has been a futurist for close to 40 years. But if you think his specialty is forecasting the future then you’d be wrong. No. Hiemstra’s focus has not been on the most probable, or even the possible future. Instead, Glen has chosen to focus consistently on what he calls “the preferred future.” This is also what he’s been advising his clients to do. And shouldn’t we all do just that, focus on our preferred future, be it individually – as humans, professionals, and citizens, or collectively – as corporations, organizations, nations, and even as a civilization? Because as Hiemstra often says “the future creates the present.”

Read full article and see video HERE


07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

Joe Biden’s anti-Second Amendment nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has a background ripe with controversy.

Currently serving as a senior policy advisor at former representative Gabriel Giffords’ anti-gun lobbying group “Giffords,” David Chipman used to carry a semi-automatic rifle while raking in a taxpayer-funded paycheck.

The Biden nominee’s government career places him on location or being directly involved in some of America’s most infamous events over the last few decades.

Daily Mail reports that Chipman was “at the Ruby Ridge standoff,” in 1992 near Naples, Idaho.

Read full article HERE

Mongoose: Etymology of the word “risk”

Corruption, Government

Alert reader sends in:

The English language boasts more vocabulary than any other language in the world and yet, it is the most poorly understood and used one.  Of course it needs MORE words since it has been reduced to one or two meanings and completely did away with all the many nuances of every word it inherited from Greek, Latin, French, German and other languages!
The English language has been reduced to 1st degree, immediate, materialistic and emotional language befitting… mercantilism and excluding all other meanings including philosophical, spiritual and inherited cultural contexts and realities! (More beneath fold)

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