Robert Steele: A New Internet Protocol? California Startup Toughens Stance on Data Privacy With New Internet Protocol UPDATE: That Will Not Work

Advanced Cyber/IO

This has broad implications.  It is not at all certain they have mastered the nuances but they trying to be creative.  They have NOT consulted Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young, which is a negative, I understand they may be rectifying that oversight now. My vritual CTO is very negative on them with this statement:

Creating a service to implement privacy using protocols never intended to deliver privacy is a bit of a stretch.

California Startup Toughens Stance on Data Privacy With New Internet Protocol

Additional information below.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: A New Internet Protocol? California Startup Toughens Stance on Data Privacy With New Internet Protocol UPDATE: That Will Not Work”

Stephen E. Arnold: Supercomputer League — Japan Leads

Advanced Cyber/IO
Stephen E. Arnold

Supercomputer League Tables Shift

I noted “Japan’s Fugaku Keeps Position As Fastest Supercomputer.” There were two items of interest in the write up.

First, the machine:

performed over 442 quadrillion computations per second, around three times faster than the Summit system developed by the U.S. Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Second, the chips in the Fugaku were Fujitsu’s. These may be the the Fujitsu A64FX microprocessor based on the ARM technology.

Intel and IBM are arm wrestling maybe?

Berto Jongman: Integrating Information in Joint Operations (IIJO)

Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Impotency

Email dated 27 October 2020

To the SMA Community,

At the request of Headquarters US Air Force (HAF), SMA initiated a study to address how the Joint Force can best understand and integrate information and influence into its activities across the competition continuum.

The attached 5×8 for the Integrating Information in Joint Operations (IIJO) effort provides an overview of the project and the several research lines of effort.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Integrating Information in Joint Operations (IIJO)”

Alastair Crooke: US Losing the S&T / Digital Standards War to China, Iran, & Russia

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Commercial Intelligence, IO Impotency

The Two Undersides to Geo-Politics 

The prize that America truly seeks is to seize for itself over the coming decades, all global standards in leading-edge technology, and to deny them to China.

China’s intent now is not simply to refine and improve on existing technology, but to leapfrog existing knowledge into a new tech realm (such as by discovering and using new materials that overcome present limits to microprocessor evolution).

Read full article.