Berto Jongman: Megadrought Now — Lake Powell — Senator John McCain Could Fix This!

12 Water

berto smallLake Powell's receding waters show risk of U.S. ‘megadrought'

Forecasting that there is an 80 percent chance of an extended drought in the area between 2050 and 2099 unless aggressive steps are taken to mitigate the impacts of climate change, the researchers said their results point to a challenging – and remarkably drier – future.

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JZ Liszkiewicz: True Cost Accounting for Food — Survey with Links

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 11 Society, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence
JZ Liszkiewicz
JZ Liszkiewicz

There is No Such Thing as Cheap Food

Taking these costs into account is essential; the economic cost of global environmental degradation from industry is estimated at US$2 to US$5 trillion per year. TCA has the potential to make industrial food production seem unreasonably harmful and expensive and make sustainable food production seem not only necessary, but affordable.

Yoda: Book Pages That Clean Water

12 Water
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

‘Bug-killing book' that cleans up to 100 litres of murky water passes field trials

The ‘drinkable' book has been trialled with promising results in South Africa, Ghana and Bangladesh

The pages contain nano-particles of silver or copper which wipe out dangerous bacteria as they pass through the water.The book could be a revolutionary solution for the estimated 663 million people across the world who are without access to clean drinking water.

Berto Jongman: Water into Fuel for Motorcycle

05 Energy, 12 Water
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Includes excellent links to other water into fuel projects.

500 Kilometers On 1 Litre: Brazilian Man Shows Us Why We Don’t Need Gas Stations

… the design includes a combination of water and a single, external car battery that’s used to produce electricity, and spark the process that separates the hydrogen from the water molecule. As a result, the necessary energy to power the bike is created.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Water into Fuel for Motorcycle”

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Microbead Threat to Water Quality

12 Water
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood

Microbeads: An Emerging Water Quality Issue

Claudia Copeland, Specialist in Resources and Environmental Policy (, 7-7227)
July 20, 2015 (IN10319)


Microbeads are synthetic particles made of either polyethylene or polypropylene plastic. …  Because microbeads are so small, most wastewater treatment plant technology is not capable of removing them from the wastestream. Most microbeads do not biodegrade, as they require high heat processing to break down, which municipal sewage systems are typically unable to do.

Full report below the fold.

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