2011 OSINT Discovery Toolkit–Reuser’s Repertorium

Blog Wisdom, Book Lists, Briefings (Core), Fact Sheets, Handbook Elements, Historic Contributions, IO Multinational, Methods & Process, Tools, White Papers

This is THE toolbox, available in both long and short versions, we recommend you start with the long and then rapidly migrate to the short.  Arno is THE “dean” of OSINT for government, and the “dean” of the advanced librarian discovery movement.



We strongly endorse Arno Reuser as an individual, and recommend his training offerings available directly from him.  By-pass the external vendor training link at the Repertorium and send him a direct email.

Arno's Profile

Worth a Look: Arno Reuser OSINT Wizard

Journal: Seriously Weird, & Then There Is Arno

When InterNET is InterNOT

2006 Reuser (NL) on Virtual Open Source Agency

2003 Reuser (NL) on Intelligence Librarian Tradecraft

Journal: Librarians and The Accessibility Paradox

Reference: Book By and Books on George W. Bush

Book Lists
Amazon Page

UPDATE OF 14 Nov 2010

George Bush Book ‘Decision Points' Lifted From Advisers' Books (Huffington Post)

Bush and his supporting authorized plagarized freely.  Huffington Post has both a serious article and a sixteen photo slide show with side by side text showing the plagarism found so far.

UPDATE OF 12 Nov 2010

Stewart Tackles George W. Bush's Contradictions In Recent Interviews (VIDEO)

A Careless Man: What the Bush Memoir Reveals (TIME, Joe Klein)

Bush breezes through fundamental and earth-shattering decisions without slowing down to acknowledge their moral complexity. At the most important moments of his presidency — most notably, the decision to go to war in Iraq — he refuses to honestly consider opposing points of view or see the long-term, ancillary effects of what he is deciding.

As I read on, trapped in the sketchy carelessness of this presidency, I was surprised by how angry I didn't become. For me, at least, weariness has replaced anger. Bush's was an exhausting presidency that will, I suspect, be remembered more for its waste — of time, lives, money, moral standing and economic strength — than for anything else.

Continue reading “Reference: Book By and Books on George W. Bush”

Reference: Third Party Bubble & Possibilities, RECAP

Blog Wisdom, Book Lists
Jock Gill

“I've been trickled on for thirty years.    Tastes like piss.”
— Randall Head, attorney in Louisville, KY

This is the single best explanation of the raging anger in America today I have seen.  Reagan voodoo economics sowed a bitter crop that we are reaping with a vengence today.  And neither party seems to care or be willing to take corrective action.  No wonder we have anger on the streets and in the ballot box.   Frank Rich is right, it will not end with the mid-term elections.  It will only end when we replace Reagan's magical thinking and its reality distortion field with a reality based economics with fairness as justice for all.

All this 3rd party stuff will not amount to a hill of bean if these 5 heresies are not converted into common wisdom that everyone knows and accepts:

1. We live in a closed system;
2. Corporate profits have trumped democracy for far too long;
3. Global Climate Disruption is a real game changer;
4. Caucasians will no longer run the casino and the country club
5. Knowledge will always be imperfect.

So long as we fail to modify our ‘narrative' to take these facts into account, it is unlikely we, or any third party, will be able to embrace the future with confidence.  Any party, economics, or politics that must assert that these truths are heresies is, of course, then based on fiction and lies.  That is why, amongst other things, they are intellectually bankrupt.  As you may recall, I have been saying this about both parties since about 1993.

You might want to checkout the work of  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minqi_Li

#5 is a killer as it is the force that drives the seven deadly sins.

So a third party, technology to the contrary not withstanding, will not matter until these heresies become truths.  It is essential that we develop education, politics, and economics that are based on these truths.  No third party I have heard of has even begun to tackle this very difficult challenge.

We are in the fix we are in because we deny these 5 truths and, as a consequence, live in a reality distortion field.

Phi Beta Iota: Brother Gill is correct, which is why we started funding this non-profit in 2006.  Public intelligence in the public interest is the CRITICAL ingredient in moving beyond kum-ba-ya hand-holding and long sighs of Ommmm.  Below the line we RECAP Third Party relevent-entries.

Continue reading “Reference: Third Party Bubble & Possibilities, RECAP”

Amazon Book Lists: Steele’s 2005-2009 Mixed Bag

Book Lists

9/11 Blockbusters Featuring Dick Cheney (March 13, 2006)

Atlas Visualizations Ready to Be Converted Into Serious Games (June 21, 2007)

Biomimicry, Benevolent Bacteria, and Green Everything (November 20, 2007)

Books Relevant to Evaluating Cheney (January 11, 2007)

Capitalism 3.0 aka Natural Capitalism aka True Cost (March 19, 2007)

Collective and Commercial Intelligence for Peace and Prosperity (December 1, 2007)

Creating Infinite Stabilizing Wealth (June 14, 2008)

Environmental Security as a Foundation for Total Security (December 9, 2006)

Ethics, Faith, and Morality: The Vital Ingredients for Saving Earth (November 20, 2007)

Great Spy DVDs (July 26, 2007)

Grotesquely Over-Priced Books (August 21, 2010)

Impeachment Guides for Citizens Who Cannot Take Two More Years (February 4, 2007)

Infinite Wealth of Knowledge and Networks (December 31, 2006)

Intelligence Books Published by OSS/EIN International Press (August 21, 2010)

Iraq After Action Reports (June 21, 2007)

Leadership Books Neither Squishy nor Pontifical (February 26, 2008)

Moral Leadership Through Open Source Intelligence (January 29, 2007)

Open Everything (June 21, 2007)

People Protest Non-Violent Power–Dump the Two Party System (US Focus) (January 12, 2008)

Racing Sailing: Rainy Day Reading and Viewing (July 29, 2007)

Religion & National Security (June 21, 2007)

Sailing Library–Best of the Best (June 28, 2009)

Screwing the 90% That Do All the Real Work (January 29, 2007)

Serious Non-Fiction DVDs (October 3, 2006)

Smart Security in an Ambiguous World (September 29, 2006)

Sustainability, Resilience, Panarchy, Alternative Values (February 25, 2008)

Sustainability, Resilience, Panarchy, Alternative Values (February 25, 2008)

Timeless Top Ten Books (July 21, 2007)

Top Ten Books for Saving the Planet (Okay, Eleven) (July 29, 2007)

Top Terrorism Books (October 7, 2006)

Transpartisan Democracy–Saving the American Republic (September 16, 2008)

Amazon Book Lists: Earth Twelve Core Policy Domains

Book Lists

Earth Threat #1: Poverty (February 24, 2008)

Earth Threat #2: Infectious Disease (March 27, 2008)

Earth Threat #3: Environmental Degradation (July 7, 2007)

Earth Threat #4: Inter-State Conflict (July 7, 2007)

Earth Threat #5: Civil War (July 7, 2007)

Earth Threat #6: Genocide (July 7, 2007)

Earth Threat #7: Other Atrocities (June 22, 2008)

Earth Threat #8: Proliferation (July 23, 2007)

Earth Threat #9: Terrorism (July 7, 2007)

Earth Threat #10: Transnational Crime (July 7, 2007)