Search: osint: graphical overviews


WordPress cannot handle the colon and requires precision, for example:

Graphic: OSINT

but, since this entire site is about OSINT, M4IS2, intelligence re-invention, and Smart Nations, you are much better off actually reading the middle column and learning to use it.  The single best posting is:

AA Graphics List (1)

you could also look at the categorization of the 321 graphics posted as of today:

Continue reading “Search: osint: graphical overviews”

Search: osint vs humint


osint vs humint Machine search–ugly.

The answer:

1.  Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a sub-discipline of all of the traditional disciplines, as well as a discipline in its own right, but it is closest to Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and should be managed concurrently with HUMINT, which has fifteen slices, only four of which are classified.  Treating OSINT as a technical collection task is ignorant and ineffective for the simple reason that at least 80% of what needs to be collected in the OSINT arena is in 183 languages we do not speak, and not at all in digital form.

2.  A properly managed intelligence community would have the national intelligence council comprised of top brains from each of the eight tribes of intelligence (academic, civil society, commercial, government, law enforcement, media, military, and non-governmental/non-profit) and a Whole of Government requirements division that is autonomous and replete with integrity that cannot be compromised.

3.  Collection management should start with OSINT/HUMINT, and the technical disciplines tasked only when OSINT/HUMINT cannot provide an answer and the requirement is arguably of the most vital importance.  This cannot be said for 90% of what is done today with expensive technical collection most of which is never properly processed.

4.  Intelligence is on the verge of maturing–instead of denied areas and exaggerated threats to justify the military-industrial complex and its waste–intelligence will henceforth be about all threats, all policies, all demographics, all the time.  This is much easier to do that most realize–all it requires is absolute integrity.

A few graphics and three textual links….

Continue reading “Search: osint vs humint”

Search: presentation re leadership strategy


presentation re leadership strategy much too general

presentations Briefings & Lectures (81), Historic Contributions (265), Briefings (Core) (38)

leadership (book reviews):  Leadership (58)  strategy (book reviews):  Strategy (102)

Wild ass guess as to what you were looking for:

2010 M4IS2 Briefing for South America — 2010 M4IS2 Presentacion por Sur America (ANEPE Chile)

2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated

2009 DoD OSINT Leadership and Staff Briefings

2000 Presidential Leadership and National Security Policy Making

Reference: Leadership & Whole of Government

Leadership should be about nurturing clarity, diversity, and integrity to achieve sustainability.  Leadership strategy is how you get there, combining an absolute demand for the best truth in a holistic fashion, with an absolute demand for integrity across all boundaries.

Journal: Politics & Intelligence–Partners Only When Integrity is Central to Both

Search: integrity integrity integrity

Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Officers Call, Searches

The Phi Beta Iota collective is delighted that <integrity> is the single most frequent sole search term–sadly, because integrity permeates this  entire site (as well as its opposite, corruption), we find it necessary to create this triple headline to serve those who search in the future.  Below are the primary referential posts on integrity.

Journal: Reflections on Integrity

Search: Integrity

Journal: Reflections on Integrity & Design

Reference: Integrity–Without it Nothing Works
Reference: Integrity–Without it Nothing Works II
Reference: Integrity–Without It Nothing Works III

INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability