Search: Ghandi (sic) Gandhi Seven Social Sins


Gandhi not Ghandi.  We made the same mistake in the early years.  What a wonderful search, thank you for presenting it.

Seven Deadly Sins

  • Wealth without Work
  • Pleasure without Conscience
  • Science without Humanity
  • Knowledge without Character
  • Politics without Principle
  • Commerce without Morality
  • Worship without Sacrifice

    Also known as Seven Social Sins

    • Rights Without Responsibility    8th sin by Arun Gandhi.

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    Search: Intelligence Community Wheel

    Balance, Citizen-Centered, Languages-Translation, Multinational Plus, Reform, Searches, Strategy-Holistic Coherence
    Traditional Intelligence Wheel
    Traditional Intelligence Wheel

    To the left is the traditional intelligence wheel, consisting of the 16 or so (there are other elements not listed) entities that in theory comprise the predominantly secret U.S. Intelligence Community.

    Below is the emergent intelligence wheel that harnesses all human minds in relation to all information all the time.  We still need spies and secrecy but in moderation.

    Global Intelligence Wheel
    Global Intelligence Wheel

    Although this version is centered on the President, it can just as easily be centered on any Cabinet Department down to the branch level, any Congressional jurisdiction, any private sector domain of interest.

    See also:

    Search: Seven Tribes (now Eight Tribes)

    Search: The Future of OSINT

    Journal: Design Thinking for Government

    Review: The Design of Business–Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage

    Search: world map with 8 conflicts

    Geospatial, Leadership-Integrity, Searches, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, Tribes
    Six-Front War
    Six-Front War

    o the left is the map we created when it was clear the USA was going to invade Iraq and blow what should have been the surgical demise of Osama Bin Laden.  This slide was created for and used in the opening briefing to the SES course on national security at the Western Management Development Center, and in 19 briefings around the country to the American Committees on Foreign Relations (ACFR).

    The only really decent conflict map, now out of production, is Berto Jongman's World Conflict & Human Rights Map also available in a Simplified World Conflict Map.

    Caliphate Variant 100-Year War
    Caliphate Variant 100-Year War

    Notes: If bin Laden could have asked his maker for the most helpful possible American reaction to 9-11, he could not have done better than the Bush Administration’s ill-considered conventional military attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq.  The US is now an occupying force in Iraq, and in Afghanistan it has lost control of the entire country, where under US “non-control” the opium crop has doubled, enriching all the warlords, who will be almost impossible to dislodge without resuming combat operations.   We have started a six-front 100-year war.

    To the right is a later version used in private briefings.

    Search: QDR “four forces after next”


    Quotes don't seem to add anything to the Word Press search engine, but even without quotes this does not come up.  Separating QDR from four forces does produce partial results.  Below is the core orignal graphic.

    Four Forces After Next

    Today, with the deflation of the dollar by 50% in the past ten years, these numbers would be doubled, but the bottom line is clear: we have to apply the  Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS) to the Whole of Government, and we have to use unclassified shared information to enable voluntary harmonization of effort across the eight tribes of intelligence (multinational engagement, not just military engagement, but Whole of Government engagement with the military as the C4I “hub” for two way reachback among national aggregations).

    Continue reading “Search: QDR “four forces after next””

    Search: why is the earth resilient to global war


    Earth is resilient to Global War because only humans can wage global war, and done right, global war wipes out the human species.  Earth could care less.  It's only our ego that places “us” at the center of the Earth.  To truly be the center of the Earth, and of the Cosmos, we must achieve Conscious Evolution or Integral Consciousness, and we must do so in time to stave off the total collapse of human-nurturing Earth systems circa 2050.  Below is the poem by Philip Levine that opened our second book  2002 THE NEW CRAFT OF INTELLIGENCE: Personal, Public, & Political.  Other references follow the poem.

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