2000 Ermarth (US) Open Source Intelligence: A Fresh Look at the Past and the Future

Analysis, Historic Contributions, History

Fritz Ermarth worked for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1973 until 1998 serving as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, as National Intelligence Officer for the USSR and East Europe and Director of the Strategic Evaluation Center. He has received both the Distinguished Intelligence Medal and the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal. Ermarth also served as Special Assistant to the President during the Ronald Reagan‘s presidency, as well as Senior Director of Soviet and European Affairs.

Fritz Ermarth
Fritz Ermarth

2000 Farace (NL) Gray Literature

Historic Contributions, Methods & Process

GrayNetDominic Farace is one of a handful of pioneers who have defined the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and now the Public Intelligence domain, discipline, community of practice, whatever you want to call it.  Where others sought to extract cash by doing, this pioneer sought to create value by connecting dots to dots, dots to people, and people to people.  We hold him in the highest esteem.  Below is his earlier citation for a Golden Candle Award, followed by his briefing to OSS 2000.

Dr. Dominic J. Farace, GrayNet (The Netherlands) OSS 21 (2000): Dr. Dominic Farace, founder and leader of Graynet, and the foremost champion of Gray Literature discovery, acquisition, and exploitation.

Dominic Farace
Dominic Farace