Worth a Look: Beyond Intractability, Governance Commons

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Worth a Look: The Last Word – My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK (By Mark Lane, for Release 1 November 2011)

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“Disturbingly convincing . . . Both readers who have followed the JFK assassination for years and those new to one of the great debates of the 20th century will find much to contemplate here.” —Library Journal Xpress Review

About the Author

Mark Lane has been a member of the bar for half a century and is the author of nine books including the New York Times bestselling Plausible Denial and Rush to Judgment. He was a member of the New York State legislature, and is the best-known researcher on the JFK assassination. He lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Robert K. Tanenbaum has been homicide bureau chief for the New York District Attorney’s Office and from 1976 to 1978 he served as a Deputy Chief Counsel for the House Select Committee on Assassinations to investigate the John F. Kennedy assassination and the Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination. He teaches Advanced Criminal Procedure at the University of California at Berkeley, where he resides.

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