Worth a Look: Ric Merrifield Blog, Extract on Privacy

Privacy, Worth A Look
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. . .even Zillow

Not familiar with these companies?  You should be, because they are plotting the course for the future of internet privacy and how we interact with people and merchants.

Bynamite is just the latest and there is a very good article about them here.  In short, Bynamite has (correctly, in my opinion) seen that each time we conduct a search on the internet, the search itself is a transaction because it gives merchants and the search engines more information about our interests, tastes, and needs.  Bynamite also thinks that this sort of profile information will in short order play a very real role in the prices we pay for goods and the kinds of coupons we get.  I think they are right about that as well – and this by itself is one of the most fundamental changes in the world of commerce to come along in a very long time – a set of one, or many, micro transactions prior to the primary transaction(s) that then inform the price we pay for future transactions – in essence context-rich transactions.

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Worth a Look: Sources & Methods (Kristan Wheaton)

Analysis, Methods & Process, Worth A Look

Sources And Methods

Whatever happens to cross my desk or mind on teaching, intelligence or teaching intelligence

Phi Beta Iota: Kristan Wheaton, now with Bob Heibel at Mercyhurst where they have developed the Mercyhurst Institute for Intelligence Studies (MIIS), the first such program in the entire USA, now a model for many others, is also the author of the seminal work, Early Warning–Using Competitive Intelligence to Anticipate Market Shifts, Control Risk, and Create Powerful Strategies.  You can subscribe to the blog above, or do as we do, follow his postings as Kristan Wheaton at LinkedIn where we welcome direct connections from anyone following this Public Intelligence Blog.

Worth a Look: MindShift Matters (Australia)

Worth A Look
CEO Babette Bensoussan MindShift Matters (AU) Home Page

From Babette Bensoussan, CEO of MindShifts Matter in Australia:

Have you heard……. according to marketing guru Seth Godin, most existing systems (organisations, careers, cities, governments) are resilient to external shocks. If they weren't, they wouldn't still be here. Earthquakes, edicts and emergencies come and go, but the systems remain. And yet, it's the emergencies we pay attention to.

No single event demolished the music business.  No single technology destroyed the business model for newspapers, and smoking has killed far more people than terrorists ever did.

It is the series of slow changes over time that matter.  Cultural shifts, changes in habits, technologies that slowly make a product or a system obsolete, are the ones that change our lives and create long term evolutionary changes.

Watch for shifts in systems, processes and expectations. That's what makes change, not big events.

The breaking news mindset isn't just annoying, it may be distracting you from what really matters.

See Also:

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Babette Bensoussan

Review: Strategic and Competitive Analysis–Methods and Techniques for Analyzing Business Competition

Worth a Look: TECHBLORGE on Global IT

Worth A Look
About Page

BLORGE is broken up into several sections:

TECH.BLORGE covers general computing and technology.
WINDOWS.BLORGE covers Microsoft and the Windows operating system.
MAC.BLORGE covers Apple, Macintosh and various related  products.
IPHONETOUCH.BLORGE focuses on the very popular iPhone and iPod Touch.
GAMER.BLORGE covers gaming, in particular Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii.
MOBILE.BLORGE is a new blog that covers mobile technology, in particular cell phones.
BUY.BLORGE features buying guides.
PHOTO.BLORGE covers digital photography.

Search & Worth a Look: Iraq Veteran Rings

Citizen-Centered, Military, Searches, Worth A Look
Home Page for Rings

This is interesting for two reasons:

1)  Our first thought was that returning veterans were forming small criminal rings to survive in the absence of jobs being available.  That is still a potential threat, on top of all the gang members that joined the military for the express purpose of gaining advanced training and liberal access to weapons and munitions.

2)  Second, this is the same web site that sells service rings for $45, and those we recommend highly, but the “culture of war” seems to be captured by this offering, with one big caveat as pointed out by Marcus Aurelius in an earlier post–only a tiny segment of our population–and virtually NONE of our political leaders–is a war veteran.