Charles Stewart: Election Performance and Support for Electoral Reforms — A Snapshot

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Phi Beta Iota: The full survey is interesting in part because it shows the growing proportion of voters who do not believe their votes are counted honestly. The survey also reflects the extremely limited understanding by academics (and media as well as citizens) of the twelve distinct aspects of electoral reform that must be achieved together in order to provide an electoral process with integrity.

PPT Briefing (33 Slides)

Tip of the Hat to Rebecca Wilson ( and the PEW Trusts.

Continue reading “Charles Stewart: Election Performance and Support for Electoral Reforms — A Snapshot”

IVN: Bernie Sanders Loves the Two-Party Tyranny, Refuses to Embrace Non-Partisan Electoral Reform


ivn smallWhy Won't Bernie Sanders Embrace Nonpartisan Election Reform?

On Thursday, Open Primaries President and CEO John Opdycke and Dr. Jessie Fields, a founding member of the Independent Party in New York City and Open Primaries board member, co-authored an op-ed in Newsweek titled, “Bernie Sanders Should Embrace Political Reform.”  . . .   When it comes to democracy reform, independents across the country are asking him, “Why are you protecting the establishment?”

Continue reading “IVN: Bernie Sanders Loves the Two-Party Tyranny, Refuses to Embrace Non-Partisan Electoral Reform”

Worth a Look: Traditional Election Reform Activists

Access, Civil Society, Ethics
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Activist Individuals and Organizations

If you or your organization are missing send JPEG logo, home page link, and one sentence to robert.david.steele.vivas [*at*]

List as originally created by Robert Steele, then candidate for the Reform Party nomination for the presidency, in 2012. Original and more at We the People Reform Coalition.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Traditional Election Reform Activists”