Vatican CIO: Open Source Rocks

Luciano Ammenti
Luciano Ammenti

Open source key to preserving human history, argues Vatican

LAS VEGAS: Open source file formats are the only reliable way for humanity to preserve its history in the digital age, according to Vatican Library CIO Luciano Ammenti. Ammenti made the argument during a press session at EMC World attended by V3, citing his experience digitising the Vatican's 82,000 manuscripts as proof.   . . . . .   Ammenti explained that, in order for the manuscripts to be readable, the Vatican Library opted for open source tools that do not require proprietary platforms, such as Microsoft Office, to be read. “We save it as a picture as it's longer life than a file. You don't rely on PowerPoint or Word. In 50 years they can still just look at it,” he said.

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Owl: Favors Alternative Media, Bans Corporate and Government Propaganda

Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Health Ranger launches world's first search engine that favors New Media while banning corporate and government propaganda:

The official beta launch announcement is here! The world's first privacy-protecting search engine that bans corporate propaganda and government disinformation is now ready for webmasters to submit their sites for indexing. The name of the new search engine? Good Gopher! ( GoodGopher is the first and only search engine in the world that intentionally favors New Media / Independent Media / Alternative Media websites.

Worth a Look: Open Source City

Access, Design, Innovation, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Science, Transparency
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Explore the five elements of an open source city using Raleigh, North Carolina as a case study. See how the open source characteristics of collaboration, transparency, and participation are shaping the open government and open data movements. This book showcases the open source culture, government policies, and economic development happening in Raleigh and acts as a guide for other cities to pursue their open source city brand.

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Nader Ale Ebrahim: Open Knowledge

Access, Advanced Cyber/IO, Peace Intelligence
Nader Ale Ebrahim
Nader Ale Ebrahim

The Future of Knowledge Sharing for Development in a Digital Age: Delivering an open and fair digital society.

Rachel Playforth introduces a new report on how digital technologies might contribute to or damage development agendas in the coming years. Through scenario development planning, the project investigated the landscape of developing countries in the digital age and how practitioners and policymakers might best respond. None of the scenarios below represents the most desirable outcome, but by working backwards from an ideal future, participants were able to develop key strategies for positive change.

Frank de Langen: Open Education & Open Business

Access, Design, Economics/True Cost, Education
Frank de Langen
Frank de Langen

Open Education, efficiency, collaboration and management

Ben Janssen [has] made an interesting remark, as Ben often does. In his view, Open Education is not only a public good, but can also be used as a communication channel. As he stated:

“in my work as an external consultant I often find that departments within an organization are working on the same projects, starting the same pilots and the same programs”.

Even over organizations he sees the same phenomena: organizations who work on the same projects without knowing what happens a stone throw away.

Continue reading “Frank de Langen: Open Education & Open Business”